Chapter 18: The End Of The Circus

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                                   -Isabella's Pov-
"The Phantomhive's are shadows that exist to dispell any concerns her Majesty has regarding the underworld. Once you enter our den, all hope is lost. You shall never again return to the light," Ciel said after explaining that his servants are private soldiers. Joker looked up at us scared, his skin began to grow pale due to the loss of blood. "We're professionals too and quite good. It won't be easy to defeat us," Joker said weakly. Sebastian looked down at him with a smirk. "You're free to believe as you like, of course. But do keep in mind, that I hired them," Sebastian said tossing the knife he cut Joker's arm off with to the ground. Regret and defeat began to wash over Joker's face. He began to cry. I looked at him with pity in my eyes, feeling guilty about everything that's been going on. They did what they had to do to survive and protect each other, the real criminal was Baron Kelvin, they just seemed to... be caught in the crossfire. "Don't cry, it's pathetic. Crying won't change a thing. It doesn't matter who you are, the world is never kind," Ciel said to Joker coldly. "Smile please..." Joker pleaded. "I only have one name and that is not it. I am Ciel, Earl Phantomhive," Ciel said as the doctor wheeled in.

"I'm late but I'm not empty handed- Oh? What's this? Black? Smile? Nova? You're here? That's odd," The doctor said. Joker yelled at the doctor to run and to leave while he can. The doctor stood up from his wheelchair. "Why should I? You and your circus freaks are the kidnappers, I only performed the services the Baron Kelvin hired me for. I have no reason to run," The doctor walked down the steps. What a delusional idiot. "You can walk?" Joker's words had a hint of anger in it. "Ah yes, my legs work perfectly fine. I find the wheelchair useful, the children seem to trust me more easily when I'm in it," The doctor stated patting his legs. I watched as the doctor took a look around and spotted Kelvin on the floor with a bullet wound. He ran to him in worry and crouched down over his body. "Ah well... I know a lost cause when I see one. What a shame that is. Do you know how long it took me to find a patron to share my ideals?" Doc said aloud before standing back up. I squirted my eyes preparing myself for the next scene. "Your ideals?" Sebastian inquired. "Don't-..." I started before covering my mouth. I really wanted to save Ciel the traumatic remembrance but if he didn't burn the place down, we wouldn't get the Book of Murders arc. Stupid butterfly effect...

"Ah yes! I've been toiling away for years now trying to create the perfect prosthetic and I have! After mountains of research I found the perfect material..." Doc began to explain, "Something lighter and stronger than wood and possessing the uniquely sterile beauty of ceramic. I created what no craft ever before me were able to... Although, there is a problem with the material and that it is a touch hard to come by," He finished picking up a prosthetic leg, caressing it. I flinched mentally preparing and Sebastian side-eyed me. "Yes now that you mentioned it, I do recall your prosthetics having the most marvelous texture. I would have to say the best comparison would have to be Bone China," Sebastian said rubbing his chin with a smirk. "I gratify you could appreciate its beauty Black, but sadly you are off the mark. You're comparing my work to cattle bone china. It's far more special than that you see," Doc said, his ego inflating as he believes he's given a compliment rather than Sebastian trying to pry it out of him. Ciel looked up at Sebastian slightly confused then over at me even more confused. I couldn't wash the worried look off my face. "Yes of course, how inconsiderate of me. You had mentioned your use of special materials," Sebastian said with a smug look on his face."Ah yes! Very special, materials I can only get here," Doc said excitedly.

"Hold on, no! They're-..." Ciel finally realized what was being insinuated and his eyes widened. "Yes and it saves the trouble from dumping them somewhere," Doc walked over to a cage full of children. I jumped as I heard Joker began to scream realizing his prosthetics were made of the children. He began to cry again. I felt tears forming in my eyes. "With the Baron's death, I will find myself unemployed.. unless! Lord Phantomhive, would you hire me perhaps? Better yet, introduce me to her majesty, she is getting on in years right? Surely she could use a little maintenance. You've seen my work, I'm very good. You could give me a reference ay?" Doc said happily trying to bargain with Ciel.

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