Chapter 17: Two Manors Two Battles

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                                       -Ciel's Pov-
A cold hand was placed on my forehead as I slept. I opened my eye and saw Sebastian hovering over me. "You-..." I stifled out. "Good morning to you my lord, your fever seems to calm down," He said as I looked over to see Freckles(Doll) not lying next to me anymore. "Freckles must've gone off to breakfast," I said weakly. "How are you feeling?" Sebastian said as I sat up from the bed coughing lightly. "Not well but I am better than yesterday," I coughed out. Sebastian handed me a glass of water, I peered over to see his gloves were missing, exposing his dark nails and our contract seal. "You appear to be missing your gloves, our contract is showing," I said with a horse voice. "Ah yes, I'm afraid I might've soiled them just a touch," Sebastian said analyzing his hand. I looked over at him and handed him the empty glass. "The errand I gave you, I assume you have completed by this point?" I asked followed up by another cough. "Yes of course, there's no need to remain here any longer. We can leave while everyone is breaking their fast," Sebastian said as he picked up. "Did you sleep well? Don't worry, your secret is safe with me. I shan't inform Lady Elizabeth that you shared your bed with another young lady last night, I assure you," Sebastian said mockingly as he carried me. My cheeks turned crimson and I began to stutter before coughing. "Another thing, Isabella's soul left us last night during the show and hasn't seemed to return. I had let everyone know she was feeling sick and not to bother her. We will be retrieving her now," Sebastian said. I nodded avoiding speaking to help the coughing. We walked out, passing the Shinigami on our way. Sebastian went inside my assigned tent and picked up Isabella's unconscious body and we made our way back to the town house.

"Ciel! Where have you been? You left for two whole days without bothering to tell anybody!" I was met with Prince Soma and Agni as soon as we arrived. "It is very good to see you," Agni added on. "Where I've been is none of your affair," I said coldly before coughing once more. Prince Soma followed Sebastian and I upstairs voicing his concern for my cold and Isabella's unconscious body. We made it to my room and Sebastian closed the door behind us, leaving Prince Soma and Agni outside the door. Sebastian laid Isabella on the bed and I flopped on the bed next to her exhausted from everything that's been going on.

"I am surprised my lord, you're even fonder of secrets and lies than I thought. To think you've been chronically ill since infancy and I had no idea... That is quite a secret indeed. I'm curious as to why you didn't tell me," Sebastian said pouring hot water into a bowl and dipping a rag in it. "You didn't ask so I didn't tell. It's as simple as that and I've grown out of it anyhow," I muttered still laid out on the bed. "A childhood infliction perhaps... still there's no harm in being cautious is there? Still I'll acquaint myself with the latest medical texts on asthma just in case," Sebastian said prompting me up. "Is that apart of your aesthetic?" I teased the demon. "A proper butler is prepared for any situation as well you know," Sebastian said undressing me. "And for Isabella, how hasn't she woken up yet? Do you think she's able to come back?" I said looking back at her as he unbuttoned my shirt. Her lifeless body was quiet for once, I was beginning to worry. "I'm not sure, I got in contact with Tanaka and he had said Lady Maritza had been asleep all day and couldn't be woken up for a good while. She had woken up last night around when Isabella seemed to have fell unconscious," Sebastian explained. I thought to myself for a moment but the worry escaped me, if Maritza is back then Isabella should be coming back soon.

"Now to speak about my research, the seal belongs to the Baron Kelvin," Sebastian spoke as he rubbed the warm towel on my back. "Kelvin? Well we certainly don't have a close personal acquaintance as I don't much fancy philanthropist... but we may have been introduced before at a party the previous Earl took me to," I explained as Sebastian redressed me. "Well no matter, his name is the only thing we really acquire. We're going out," I said standing up grabbing my walking stick. Sebastian opened the door and Agni was standing there blocking my way out. Prince Soma peaked out from behind him. "Do not think you're escaping so easily! Whatever you say, I know you caught a nasty cold. As your dearest friend I cannot allow you to venture out in your current state," Prince Soma stated barging in my room. I felt my eye twitch underneath my eyepatch. "Don't be daft, since when are you my dearest friend," I said walking past him. Prince Soma ordered Agni to not let me past him. I growled slightly under my breath in sheer annoyance. "I have important work to do! I haven't got the time to play these infantile games! Now step aside!" I said followed by a cough.

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