Chapter 3: The Experienced One

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                                    ~Maritza's Pov~
My body feels weak.. I can't move, come up, get up!

I sat up weakly, panting. I looked around at my surroundings, it seemed like I was out of the cage but where was I..? It seemed like a garden, I stood up regaining my strength and took a look around. The place was beautifully decorated. I went over to a bush of roses and reached my arm out to pick one before my wrist was grabbed. I turned around to see a tall butler looking man standing over me with no expression. "Master wouldn't like you picking his flowers," He said in a dark tone while squeezing my wrist. I attempted to pull my arm back but to no avail. "Where am I? Am I dead? Where's my sister?" I glared at him coldly. The man let my arm go and straightened out his uniform. I watched him carefully, it took me a moment to realize who he was. Sebastian Michaelis in the flesh and blood. I was caught up in both the manga and anime, I knew how dangerous he was. I stayed cool-headed. "You are at the Phantomhive manor, I don't know where your sister is. But may I ask who you are and what a prostitute is doing on the manor's grounds?" Sebastian bowed politely to me. "I'm not a prostitute, I seem to have woken up here.. I have no idea how I got here," I said smiling as my eye twitched from his sly comment. "Your attire says otherwise," He stated as he rose an eyebrow analyzing me. My eyebrows furrowed as I looked down at my outfit. Stacked jeans and a black long sleeve crop top, perfect for the 1800's. I sighed and looked back at him, "I'm not sure how I got in this, I don't remember anything before coming here," I lied smoothly attempting to cover my stomach with my arms. "May you follow me to my master's office? We must figure out what to do with you, shall we?" The cold butler said leading me into the manor. I nodded in agreement and followed him.

We reached the office and I saw Ciel sitting there doing paperwork, looking as cold as ever. He looked so little in person, truly a child. Knowing him deeper than he may even know himself seems so... weird. "Master, we have a guest. I found her in the garden attempting to pick your roses," Sebastian stated as he poured Ciel more tea. The young boy looked up from his paperwork and analyzed me carefully. "Why are you dressed like that? Are you a whore?" He asked coldly before looking back down at his work. I kept my unamused face, matching his energy. "I apologize for my attire, this is how I woke up," I said mockingly, squinting my eyes down at him. His eyes met mine, the room began to feel tense. "What is your name? Why were you here?" He asked not breaking eye contact. One wrong interaction, one suspicion and I could be dead.. "My name is Maritza Petrova. I am of Italian and Japanese descent but I reside in America," I said softening my gaze. "I'm not sure why I'm here, I wish I knew," I smiled. It wasn't like I was lying, I truly don't know why I'm here.
I jumped at the sudden screams coming from the front of the manor. "Sebastian, please go see what that is," Ciel said in an annoyed tone. The butler bowed then suddenly disappeared. "It's a pleasure to meet you miss Petrova, I am Ciel Phantomhive, the head of this household," Ciel said making eye contact with me again. He leaned back in his chair closing his eyes as he was in deep thought. He's going to have me killed.

"Until I figure out what to do with you, you will stay at this manor as a guest," He stated. I nodded in agreement before taking a look at his office, analyzing it deeply. I started to sense footsteps approaching, it was two people. Must be Sebastian and the person who screamed. The door opened slowly. I turned around and saw my little sister. My eyes widen "Bella..?" I shakily said. This might not be a dream.. What's going on?

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