Chapter 16: The Dance of Betrayal

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                                       -Ciel's Pov-
My grip tightened ever so slightly around Isabella's delicate hand as we made our way through the tents to find Sebastian. My expression remained steely and impassive as always but I was beginning to feel unease as the thought of Isabella accompanying us to this circus started to become worrisome. I'm glad she did regardless, we wouldn't have known a reaper was after her if she hadn't. Maritza and her could've been ambushed at the manor. My thumb unconsciously traced soothing circles over her soft skin, both a wordless reassurance and an attempt to quell my own doubts. I've grown rather accustomed to Isabella being by my side, her formidable combat skills and acting skills proving to be valuable time and time again. And yet, the prospect of her bright spirit being hunted by some poor excuse of a reaper caused my chest to seize, if anything were to fall befall her under my charge...

As we neared Sebastian and the reaper, Isabella's grip tightened. She seemed to be at her most vulnerable right now, like a frightened child. I've seen her cry many times but she's very quick to collect herself. Her uncertainty of her sister's state might be a problem while she's here, I'll be sure to have Sebastian get in contact with the manor as soon as possible. "The show will be starting before long that obnoxious knife thrower wants you," I stated walking up my demon butler and the reaper. I released Isabella's hand and crossed my arms. "He doesn't look very choice to me but to each its own, I'll never understand demons I swear," the reaper spoke, adjusting his glasses. I tensed up and looked up to him, uncomfortable with his casual he spoke of his and Sebastian's true nature. "Stop that, we should avoid using that term here. That lot took it for a feeble gesture earlier but even so... If you can't blend in with the humans then you're even worse than that red head," I said annoyance escaping through my tone. "Well said my lord, we don't interfere with your business if you don't interfere with ours, does that sound like a suitable arrangement to you?" Sebastian spoke. "It should serve, I despise your very faces and will happily stay away from the three of you," The reaper said as the tension grew between us. "Also, would you care to tell us why Isabella is being hunted by one of your own?" I asked looking over at Isabella for a moment. "That is classified information but I will say her soul does not belong here, it should've been handled a long time ago but the reaper doing the job is taking quite some time, I think they're gathering more information on the matter," The reaper said coldly using his death scythe to adjust his glasses. Classified information but basically told us anyway... what a dumb reaper.

-Bella's Pov-
The circus was beginning. Backstage was kind of chaotic and overwhelming. The main acts were taking turns performing while the newcomers were helping with preparing each act. My time to perform was FINALLY here though. "And now we have one of our amazing newcomers! Give it up for Nova!" Joker announced as I was high up above the crowd, I was going to do a tightrope performance. The blinding spotlight shifted onto me and the crowd cheered. I waved down and blew kisses to the audience. Finally, I took a deep breath.

A look of intense concentration etched across my face as I stepped out onto the tightrope suspended high above the circus ring. The crowd hushed in anticipation as I began delicately walking across the thin rope with the gracefully of a ballet dancer. Halfway across, I paused briefly before launching myself into a series of daring tricks. I did cartwheels, splits and even a backwards somersault all while precariously balancing on the rope. The audience gasped at each gravity-defying maneuver. I was so excited to perform, I've always wanted to be a star ever since I was younger. As I reached the other side, the crowd erupted into thunderous applause and cheers, marveling at my astonishing poise and acrobatic skill on the rope.

After the show, Joker gathered the Ciel, Sebastian, William and I to the back to go over tent assignments. "Smile, you're in tent number 8 and this is your roommate," Joker said as the dressed down Doll was standing there. Doll gave a timid smile at Ciel. "As for Black, you're going to be in tent 9," Joker said reading the paper. "Seba- You mean Black isn't in the same tent as I?" Ciel jumped up and whined. "Hm no, why on earth should he be?" Joker said scratching the side of his head as he looked over the paper once again. Dagger went and teased Ciel about being overly attached to Sebastian. "Rooming in tent 9 with Black will be... Suit!" Joker stated. The air around us got tense as William and Sebastian side eye'd each other to death. "As for Nova, you'll be in tent 10 with two other performers," Joker smiled. My gaze grew dark as I looked up at him with a devilish smile. "Absolutely not, I will be with Smile and D- the other boy," I said my aura darkening but smile kept on my face. "But that's not-..." Joker started before getting cut off by my smile disappearing and my eyes becoming cold. "I will not be taking no for answer, do you understand me?" I smiled once again before skipping off to tent 8.

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