Chapter 7: Dreadful Druitt

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                                    ~Bella's Pov~
"Do you have a plan?" I asked her. I tried my best not to pry too much of her assassin life, my anxiety is starting to peak from everything's that's been happening. I don't think I'm able to process it all in such a short amount of time. "Tonight is Viscount Druitt's final party of the season, you're going to have to attend with Ciel so I can assure your safety and I'll sneak out to confront Undertaker," Maritza said fixing my hair from in front of my face, "They should be discussing it right now actually... Go interrupt them and charm Madam Red so she vouches for you to go." I muttered out a quiet alright and began heading towards the door before stopping in my tracks. "Be careful going out, Grell still sneaks off to murder someone remember?" I said worried looking back at her. "Don't worry, I'll be fine," Maritza reassured as I took my leave.

                                      ~Ciel's Pov~
We were coming up with a plan to get into Viscount Druitt's party, sadly, involving me in a dress. I was deeply annoyed. "Tsk.." I muttered out as I heard a knock on the door. "Come in," I called out, it must've been Maritza, she disappeared after we came home. She was in a bad mood after visiting Undertaker, there was a weird energy between them but alas, a problem for another day. I watched the door slowly open and saw Isabella's head peak in. She walked in and bowed greeting the room. "I apologize for intruding but I heard there's a party tonight! I'd love to attend, my back is feeling so much better my Lord!" Isabella smiled over at me, tilting her head. She had these puppy eyes that reminded me of Lizzie. "OH AND WHO IS THIS CIEL? SHE'S TOO ADORABLE," Madam Red squealed out rushing over to Isabella, hugging her tightly. "Another maid, she's Miss Maritza's sister," My annoyance growing. I don't have time to babysit Isabella while I'm working, she would be a liability. "Hi! I'm Isabella, what's your name?" The young girl giggled hugging my aunt back. Madam Red introduced herself and everyone else in the room. I cleared my throat interrupting them, "I'm sorry Miss Isabella but you have to stay home. I don't have time to babysit you tonight, it could be dangerous" I voiced harshly. Isabella's happy expression turned grief-stricken, her eyes became glossy as if she were about to cry. "I just wanted to go dancing," She muttered out, her cheeks turning a light shade of red. I felt everyone's eyes dart at me as if I was a monster. Feeling a bit awkward, I narrowed my eyebrows and began stuttering trying to defend my decision. "Ciel, she must come along, besides, she might be useful," Madam Red said holding Isabella at her side. I looked over at Sebastian who seemed to be smirking at this whole situation. "Ugh! Fine fine! You may attend but you speak of nothing that goes on and stay out the way!Understand?" I ordered flustered. "Yes my lord," Isabella's sad aura disappeared and she became cheerful again. She looked over at me smiling like a delinquent. What a headache...

                                     ~Bella's Pov~
After hours of Ciel and I's lessons for the party tonight we finally arrived! I was so giddy seeing Ciel in a dress. "What are you smiling about?" Ciel shot a deadly glare at me, making my smile grow bigger and more mischievous. "I can't take you seriously in that dress," I choked out trying to keep myself laughing. His face turned red and he huffed walking ahead of us with Sebastian by his side. We walked in and went our separate ways. I roamed around the party, listening in on conversations and just watching everyone. They all seemed real, not like npcs or background characters. This world gets more and more real the more I pay attention. I was in awe. "Would you like to dance?" A voice said behind me as I took a sip of my lemonade. I looked behind me and it was kid around my age, he was kind of cute. "Of course," I bowed taking his hand, following him onto the dance floor. We began our dance, I saw Sebastian and Ciel to the right of me dancing as well. Well he's going to get kidnapped soon. I looked up at my dance partner as we danced. He smiled sweetly at me, I blushed attempting to look away but he grabbed my chin forcing me to look back at him. "It's not polite to look away from your date," He said gently before twirling me around. I kept following his lead, without error. Guess those years of dance class weren't for nothing. It felt like some of the party was staring at us, I started to feel watched and awkward. I looked over to my right to see Ciel staring at us while he danced with Sebastian. My eyes widened and I quickly looked away from him, suddenly feeling embarrassed. The song was finally ending. FINALLY OH MY GOD. I bowed respectfully, looking up at the mystery boy. "See you around miss..?" He took my hand planting a kiss on it. "Isabella.. Isabella Petrova," I said quietly, blushing. I quickly hurried away from the dance floor before getting his name. I rushed past the attendees, looking for a room to go gather myself in. After a while of bumping into people and apologizing, I opened the door to some random room and saw Ciel on the floor and Count Druitt. My eye twitched, aggravated at my luck. Wrong room," I said awkwardly turning back around. I tried to rush out but, unfortunately, got knocked out. Great... of course I'd be the one to get kidnapped along with this idiot...

I opened my eyes and found myself in the cage along with Ciel who was already unmasked. I looked out in front of us, we were in front of an audience of masked people. The bidding part.. My heart started racing, I obviously don't like cages. Ciel was calm, as usual. "I told you I didn't have time to babysit you," Ciel said in in an annoyed whisper. "Shut up and call for Sebastian already," I snapped back at him. Gosh he was annoying to deal with. "Ladies and gentlemen, next we have a special deal. A two for one! Both are hard to get items. One having two different eye colors and the other being a halfbreed," The viscount broadcasted to the audience. My eye twitch. HALFBREED?? I'LL KILL HIM UGH. The audience went crazy while the Viscount continued on meanwhile my anxiety was getting worse the longer I stayed in this damn cage. I started to count the seconds down till Sebastian would come and save us. "The starting bid is at 3000." 3000 for two of us? I would've started it at like 6000, do you see how beautiful I am? HOW IS HE GONNA CALL ME A HALFBREED AND LOWBALL OUR PRICES. "Sebastian." Ciel called out, the room suddenly going dark. "FINALLY," I blurted out as Sebastian did his thing and started taking people out. "Apart from getting caught... did either of you accomplish anything?" Sebastian said walking to the cage. "RELEASE ME," I shouted impatiently. The butler looked over at me, opened the cage and untied us. I stumbled out the cage, landing on my hands and knees. Sebastian picked both me and Ciel up with no effort. "Anyhow, the incident of Jack the Ripper has been solved," Ciel said bluntly as the police started to cause a commotion in the main hall. "We must be going now," Sebastian said smirking before jumping out the window onto the ceiling of the next building next door. I held on tightly, feeling my stomach drop with every jump. I hope Maritza's night went better than mine.

                                  ~Ciel's Pov~
We made it back to the manor safely thanks to Sebastian. I watched Isabella skip to her room as if nothing happened, it didn't bother her we were just kidnapped. After doing my usual night routine, I told Sebastian to fetch Isabella for me. She was dancing with someone at the ball, I was curious who he was and if they knew each other.  She walked in, she was in her nightgown, her hair was down and slightly messy. "I just wanted to ask who that was you were dancing with at the party," I inquired watching as she blinked confused for a moment then flushed the moment she realized who I was talking about. "I didn't get his name, I probably should've asked huh? Why do you ask?" She spoke her eyes wondering my room. "I was just curious, you may go," I climbed into my bed. She nodded looking confused before exiting the room. Sebastian was in the corner smiling sinisterly, I rolled my eyes at him and turned to my side. "Don't give me that look, I need to keep all my pawns in check. I have little to no information on her, need to gather as much as I can," I said attempting to convince even myself. "Yes, my lord," Sebastian blew out the candlelight on his way out.

                                   ~Bella's Pov~
After that weird talk with Ciel I walked back into the room to continue my conversation with Maritza. "I can't believe you couldn't sneak out, I got kidnapped for no reason," I huffed out flopping onto the bed. "It's okay, I was just a bit worried about the other servants catching me. Besides, we should sneak out and see the battle tomorrow," Mari said ruffling my hair. I looked up at her with beaming eyes. "Could we save her?" I asked my gaze darting between her eyes. She gave me a half smile and looked away from me. "We'll see okay? I don't know what kind of butterfly effect it could have," She said lying down facing me. I laid down next her pouting. I understood why we couldn't save her but it'd be nice if we could rewrite things and make things feel a bit lighter... "Mari?" I muttered out looking at my sister's closed eyed face. "Hm?" She muffled out. "Do you think we'll be saved..? If we manage to make it out, do you think we won't be able to stay here anymore?" I implored, furrowing my eyebrows being puzzled by my own questions. "I don't know Bella, I really don't. Whatever happens though, we'll be together. No matter what," Mari said in a soft tone before drifting to sleep.

//Hello! I hope you all are enjoying ^^ there's a lot to come to please be patient with me

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