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After Zhan left to his group of friends, I decided on walking out a bit for a fresh air as it feels stuffy in here. After taking about ten minutes of walk, I decided on going back as it was quite late and I don’t want Zhan being all alone without someone he could lean on. After all, his emotions wasn’t that stable.

Going back to where I previously left the group, I found none of them there and after looking around a bit, I then saw a familiar face which happened to the eldest female. Walking up to her, I greeted.

“Good evening miss. Do you happen to know where Zhan might be?” I asked politely and the other smiled warmly.

“I actually have no idea. He left us just few minutes ago. You should check up with Ziyi cuz I saw him walking towards where she was back then.” She says and I thanked her with a bow in return, but as I was about leaving she stopped me.

“Eh excuse me?” I turned to her.

“Err what’s your name?”

“oh pardon my manners. I’m Lan Wangji.” I said bowing a little.

“oh Lan Wangji. I thought… whatever. You are friends with him right?” she asks and I’m frowned at her question but decided to go with the flow.


“oh if that’s the case, I want to tell you something important. So… can i? It might also he kind of personal.” She says and that quirked my curiosity and I nodded.

“Okay. Firstly, I know who you are and I also know you look similar to Yibo so there’s actually no need for you keep wearing that while you’re with me.” She says pointing at my face mask. To say I’m quite surprises would be an understatement.

“Oh I’m sorry for exposing your secrets but I kind of met you before….the meeting held with the international investors? I was with them cuz I work with one of them. Zhan didn’t introduced us because I wasn’t in the boardroom at that time.” She chuckled when she saw my confused face but continued.

“I guess you’ve been through a hard time because of your similarity with Yibo, but don’t worry, it’s just a matter of time and people would forget about it and then you could live freely.”


“I guess you don’t talk much. That’s another similarity I found. Okay I’ll still say what I want to.
Please…can you…take care of Zhan? Always be by his side. I know this doesn’t make any sense to you now but I’ve actually seen Zhan grow up till he’s where he is now. I’ve seen his relationship with Yibo and I might as well say…it was beautiful. And after that incident happened, he changed and I just saw it myself now. This isn’t the Zhan I knew back then. It’s as if….i was speaking to an entirely different person. What he needs right now, is a complete attention and….maybe affection. He… Zhan isn’t weak, he’s a very strong man but that incident had really broken him to the core and it hurts me. Please. I know I’m in no position to ask this of you and we only just met each other today but… for the sake of his safety, please take good care of him. He needs it.” She pleads and I couldn’t make up any words. This woman seems to be very fond of Zhan and a close person to him at that. I was contented and happy knowing there were people out there who wish him happiness and I at the end thanked her.

“thanks miss for your concern. Zhan would deeply appreciate it and also, rest assured, I would never make any harm come to him. He’s….very much important to me as he is to others even more. So you shouldn’t worry about it miss...” I said.

“Xuanlu. Call me Xuanlu. I’m happy hearing that. It seems like… you like him right?”

“oops sorry. But you should know I’ll support you if do actually do. So… I should leave you for now. I wish you both… a happy ending.” She says and giggles while she walks away.

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