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Hey guys!!!
Comments was sent to me that I should make this book a threesome for it to be different. So how about it? Please drop a comment if I should go ahead with it.

The evening was as calm as always, with the moon shining brighter at its peak, casting a silver glow over the serene landscape, and filling the air with a soft, gentle light.
The gentleness of the night makes it seem more like a lover’s night, or at least that’s what Wangji feels as he drives with Zhan by his side in the passenger seat, heading towards the appointed place for the occasion. The soft darkness and whispering wind conjure a sense of intimacy and anticipation, and Wangji can’t help but steal glances at Zhan’s profile, his sharp jawline and piercing eyes illuminated by the moonlight. The tension between them is palpable, and Wangji’s heart races with excitement as he wonders what the night has in store for them.

Zhan, looking breathtakingly handsome in black, and Wangji himself, dashing in navy blue, make a striking pair that no one could help but gaze at more than twice. The ride was a silent one, and Wangji didn’t want to disturb the peacefulness of the night, knowing that Zhan didn’t really want to be there anyway, his thoughts seemingly a thousand miles away. Zhan drifted out of his thoughts as they approached a mansion-like building, and Wangji heard him breathing out heavily, the sound betraying his anxiety, his eyes darting around nervously, a subtle sign of the fear and apprehension that gripped him as he gazed up at the ominous structure.
On sensing Zhan’s turmoil, Wangji decided to try and cheer him up.

“Hey,” he says, his voice soft and gentle, accompanied by a warm smile, hoping to ease the tension and calm Zhan’s nerves and Zhan slowly looks at him, meeting his eyes. Wangji smiled assuringly at the cute young man before him and said,

“You look beautiful tonight.” Zhan scoffed at his comments, trying to sound nonchalant, but his voice came out shaky

“Trying to flirt with me?” He cleared his throat, attempting to hide the tremble, but Wangji’s keen ears picked up on the subtle vulnerability beneath Zhan’s brave façade but let him be because after all, he had been through this kind of anxiety before.

As they stepped out of the car and onto the driveway, Wangji’s eyes widened in awe. The mansion before them was a sight to behold, its grandeur and beauty leaving him breathless. The intricate stonework, the soaring ceilings, and the sparkling chandeliers all seemed to shimmer in the evening light, like a fairy tale come to life.

Wangji’s gaze wandered over the huge mansion taking in the delicate carvings and the ornate details that adorned every inch of the building. He had never seen anything like it before, and he couldn’t help but feel a sense of wonder and excitement.

Zhan, on the other hand, seemed entirely unimpressed. He stepped out of the car with a casual elegance, his eyes scanning the mansion with a hint of disinterest. His family was wealthy, and he was no stranger to opulence and luxury. This mansion, no matter how grand, was just another example of the kind of wealth and privilege he had grown up with.

As they entered the mansion, Wangji’s eyes continued to dart around, taking in the stunning artwork, the lavish furnishings, and the exquisite decorations. He felt like a country boy in the big city, awestruck by the sheer scale and splendor of it all.

Zhan, meanwhile, moved through the rooms with a confident stride, his eyes never lingering on any one thing for too long. He knew that this was just a party, a gathering of the wealthy and the powerful but he still feel much secure about it.

As they made their way deeper into the mansion, Wangji’s excitement began to give way to a sense of nervousness. He was out of his depth here, and he knew it. But with Zhan by his side, he felt a sense of reassurance, a sense that he could navigate this strange new world with ease.

The room was filled with the faint sound of music, the soft notes of a piano floating through the air. Zhan, with a determined stride, began walking towards Mrs. Yan, who was engaged in a conversation with a middle-aged man. Wangji followed behind him, his eyes fixed on Zhan’s back and mind in wonder of where Zhan was heading.

As they approached, Mrs. Yan turned to them, a warm smile on her face. “Ah, Zhan, darling! I was just talking about you.”

Zhan smiled, his eyes gleaming with charm. “Good things, I hope,” he said, his voice smooth.

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