20. crybaby

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Karan's pov

We finally came to game zone and started playing different games.

We played video games and we both won equal number of times.

After that we saw a haunted house on the way to a different game. I am always interested in these kind of stuff so I stopped but she started walking faster.

"Heyy Ridhima, let's go inside the haunted house." I said pointing towards the house.

I waited for a reply but she was busy thinking about something in her own little world.

"No no let's go somewhere else na. Anyway there are better games here." she said nervously.

"Let's not go if you are scared, it's okay." I said and turned away from the house.

"No no I am not scared. You know what, let's go." She said.

"Are you sure. It's okay if you do not want to go we can go somewhere else too." I said genuinely.

"No no let's go. I am not scared." she said pulling me towards the haunted house.

Ohh btw did I tell you we have been holding hands since we came here. Idk how but it just happened naturally.

"If you wish so." I said following her.

We entered the house and there was a skeleton lying in the corner.

I am honestly not scared of such things because I went to a haunted house many times.

I felt Ridhima tightly gripping my arm while looking around scared as hell.

"Are you okay riddhi?" I asked holding her hand which was on my arm.

"I am fine."she said and I understood she is anything but fine right now.

I should have not mentioned to bring her here. She looks soo scared. I think we should get out of here.

"let's get out of here. I am feeling scared." I said turning towards her.

She looked at me and before she could reply a clown jumped infront of us. She flinched and quickly hugged me.

I was more suprised from the hug than the jump scare. I hugged her back soothing her. Luckily only we two were present there.

(The clown standing there like🧍. Btw it was a machine wala clown just to be clear:)

"I am here sweetheart. Let's go out hmm?" I said softly.

She nodded slowly getting out of the hug. I gave her a smile as she looked a little embarrassed.

She smiled back and I held her hand and took her out of the house. She took a sign of relief as soon as we got out.

I made her sit on a bench nearby and went to buy a water bottle for her.

Ridhima's pov

Ohh God why am I soo stupid. I am soo freaking scared of all these stuff but I still went inside that house even thought he gave me a choice.

I actually did not want him to think that I am a scared. I wonder what he thinks about me now.

I was soo scared that I hugged him without his permission. Will he be angry with me now?

Om namah shivaya. I took a deep breath and stopped My overthinking. Whatever will happen it will be good.

"Here drink some water." I took the water bottle from his hand and drank the water.

He sat down beside me and waited until I drank water. I looked at him after drinking the water.

"Are you okay?" I nodded and smiled.

"What do you want to say? Just say it." He said.

"I am sorry that I hugged you without your consent... I was just very scared." I said genuinely.

"You don't have to apologise for the hug. I liked it. And as for feeling scared.. it's completely normal." He said making me blush.

"So you won't make fun of me?" I asked.

"Ofcourse no. Why would I anyway?" He said shocked.

"Honestly.. I am scared of almost everything. Everyone made fun of me for this. At first I took it as a joke but then It turned into bullying. It may seem like a small issue but it's not. Soo that's why I thought you would make fun of me too and I wanted to look strong infront of u."

I poured out all my feeling which had been bottled up for years. I never told this to someone.

Because if I did, they would just answer with ' can't you take a joke? Or 'it's just a joke, are you that sensitive?.

"Thank you for sharing this with me. let me tell you one thing sweetheart, never ever hide that you are afraid of something just because someone will make fun of you."

He explained and I listend to him. I nodded understanding his words.

"It's you who are feeling the fear not them. Only you know what impact that thing has on you. Every human being can feel fear. Everyone has a fear of something."

I could feel tears forming in my eye. Why do I cry soo much in front of him.

"As for the bullying, they are scared themselves that what if someone finds out about their fears and makes fun of them. There is nothing wrong in making jokes but if the other person in uncomfortable they should know to shut up."

He said a little angrily but his eyes were soft looking at me.

"If something like this happens again, take a stand for yourself."

I nodded and tears started flowing out of my eyes. Why do I cry soo much god?

"Hey it's okay stop crying baby. You want a hug?" He said spreading his arms.

I nodded and hugged him. Is he babying me? Cute.

"I am a grown women not a baby." I said wipping my tears.

"Sorry but you are a crybaby." he said teasingly.

I know he is just trying to cheer me up. Soo sweet.

"I can't disagree on that." I said letting out a little laugh.

He laughed too and we held hands. We went out to eat dinner.

Funny right, We decided on a coffee but ended up with dinner too.

Dosti Aur Dil Series Book #1: PREMWhere stories live. Discover now