Chapter 13: Visitors

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3 weeks have passed by.

Sia was quite far off when she said that you were the only person Kento may have. He had many, to your surprise. You had the chance to interact with them, where they expressed their disbelief in the situation, saying that they would have never expected something like this to result from Kento...

One of the visitor's names was Megumi Fushiguro. He visited almost every single day and you would crash into him whenever you two visited at the same timing. You had the itching nerve to ask him his relations to the man but you knew that would be too off-putting.

Until one day, he asked you the question himself.

"Hey.. I see you here almost every single day. Who are you to him?"

"Huh?" You snap out. "Sorry, could you repeat yourself?"

He clears his throat. "I just want to know who you are to him. Like relations."

"Oh. I'm his..." You pause. What were you to him? You haven't made anything officially official yet but you definitely weren't just friends.

"His..?" Megumi asks you, waiting for a completion on the cliffhanger you left off on.

"His close friend." You settle. It itched you to say that, knowing that you wanted a more serious label but it would have to do for the time-being.

"I see.. so, have you seen any signs of him acting different before the incident?"

The question makes you gulp. Only because you had an answer that wasn't very easy on the ears.

"Well. . . yes. Yes, he's told me about his addiction one time."

"He's told you about it?"


"So why didn't you take action sooner?"


"Why didn't you realize sooner to save him from this mess?"

"I..." Your voice begins unsteadying.

He scoffs. "Are you joking with me?"

It was then that another figure entered the ward.

"Yuuji, thats where you were." He sighs the built up tension in one breath.

"Well yeah I just went to the bathroom." He turns to you. "Who's this?"

"I don't know her. She can fuck herself."

Yuuji knits his eyebrows at the bold statement. But then he tilts his head a little. "I feel like I've seen her once or twice before."

"Me too. But that doesn't matter, because she's just an idiot."

You stay silent.

The pink-haired boy's eyes are filled with surprise, widened by the comments Megumi was making. He didn't know what happened while he was gone but he sensed that the rooms had a lot of tension.

He places a hand on his shoulder. "Fushiguro.. you haven't been acting like yourself since Uncle Nanami fell into a coma. And I know that. But please don't unleash your anger on people you don't know."

The pink-haired boy glances at you and the distraught look written on your face.

Megumi sighs. "It's just that she's really close to him so I'm mad that she didn't read the signs sooner. I mean fuck, he even told her about his drug addiction."

"Well you don't know the full context or the enclosed summary about it. Don't create your own. You're not any better, because you didn't read the signs either."

"There wasn't any signs—"

"And are you certain about that?"

Megumi falls quiet.

"Now please leave this woman alone." Yuuji sighs. He approaches you and offers a hand out to you. "I'm sorry for his behavior. We're all just... grieving, you know?"

"It's okay." You sniffle. "I feel the same hardships."

"Liar," Megumi spits so subtly and Yuuji snaps. "Megumi!"

"Sorry, sorry." He sighs. You remain silent.

"We'll be heading now, so you can have some time to yourself. And I apologize again on his behalf."

"Don't worry." You mumble as the two soon exit the ward, leaving you alone. You sit on a chair beside Kento's bed and stare at his body.

1, 2, 3 weeks have passed by and Kento was still lost in his dreams. You were beginning to have those common thoughts—what if he didn't wake up? And the question began to puncture holes in your heart because the possibility seemed so real.

His liver was on the edge of failure when they brought him in. It resulted to be worse than any other overdose case doctors had ever seen, because he didn't take pills over a slow-course period. He overdosed in the span of 5 days.

And as for Salem, she was worried like no kid you have ever seen. She asked every day to tag along with you to the hospital, and you brought her with you on some occasions. But the sight of her teacher swathed in medical cords was too much for a 7 year old, so you stopped bringing her in altogether.

Now it was just a waiting game. Kento had so many people waiting for his awakening. You've lost endless of hours of sleep because you believed Kento might wake up in the night and you wanted to be there for him when he did.

Juggling work and motherhood was even harder than before, your new role at your workplace was the only thing relatively good in your life. But even that became a stressor sometimes.

You just wanted Kento to wake up so bad.

He could create a garden with the amount of bouquets he's received from you and others. He could create a book with the amount of cordial letters he's received from you and others. He had so many people rooting for him, but for just how long could they root for?

How long could we keep rooting for?

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