Chapter 24: This Moment, This Person: Part 1

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cw: child birth


"Just one more push,"

Is what the midwife was repeatedly telling you as you fought for your life trying to push your baby out. It's 1:16AM in the morning and it all started with a single, sharp contraction. At first, you were thinking it'd go away and you attempted to sleep it off. Then, a mere few minutes later, you could feel your baby sinking down, and all at once, you had the sudden urge to push.

You then laid on the floor, screaming in pain, waking Kento and Salem up. Kento was scurrying to call the midwife, all while trying to calm you down. "Take your clothes off," he's asking you. You do, and he places a towel on the floor, then asking you to lay on it. Every time you moved, even an inch, you felt an excruciating amount of pain. You couldn't help but vocalize it. Kento, stressed and worried and everything that lay between that, was also trying to ease Salem, who thought her own mother was dying.

It was a hectic thirty minutes until the midwife arrived on the scene. Kento believed it to be the most stressful thirty minutes of his life but when the midwife arrived, she was able to keep things under control while Kento focused on calming Salem down.

"Is mommy going to be okay?" She's asking him with a frightened and frantic little tone. It made Kento feel bad for her. He reassures, "I promise she's going to be just fine."

But in all honesty, he was just as panicked as Salem.

And after the midwife set up all of her medical equipment, she gave your back support and ordered you to push, saying that she could already spot the baby's head.

So you push. You push with all of your might. You've done this before and you've experienced this pain before. You know you can do it. You push, then breathe. Push, and breathe.

"Just one more push," the midwife tells you and you brace yourself and your mind to give it your all. You're hurting so bad but you grunt as you push with every last ounce of your energy. You're so tired and you're desperate for this to be over.

"He's out!" She's suddenly yelling, you gasp and Kento immediately dashes to the bedroom upon hearing it. You're relaxing your abdominal muscles and panting for air as the midwife takes Arabiah and places him in your arms.

When you lay eyes on your baby boy for the first time ever, it's almost like all the pain you were in vanished into thin air. You forgot all about it. Now, all you could think about was your baby. Your mind was occupied of nothing else and nothing more.

Just your precious baby boy.

The doctor is patting the baby's back to get him to begin crying, and Kento is still standing at the frame of the door, in utter disbelief. He's standing in front of his baby and he cannot believe it.

The baby begins to cry and everything begins to still around Kento's world. He's hearing Arabiah's voice for the first time. The stress he has been enduring has led up to this moment and now that he gets to meet his healthy child for the first time, he realizes that he'd do it all over again, a thousand times.

"Arabiah," He mutters as he kneels down and stares at his baby, covered in a light layer of vernix. He is in complete shock and he cannot do anything but look. It's a feeling that he can't quite wrap his head around. He wavers a hand over his mouth as teardrops stream down his cheeks.

"Say hi to Arabiah," The midwife smiles.

After a few seconds of skin-to-skin contact between you and your baby, the midwife gently strips him away from you and begins the cleaning process. You're assisted into a bathtub where Kento runs warm water until the entire tub is filled, and you stay inside to relieve your muscles and cool down.

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