Target Practice

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"Aim the bow up more..Otherwise you'll have a straight shot below it instead." He kept on one knee, assuring his young nephew with his hand on his shoulder & one other under his arm steadily.

"I-I can't!" He said, struggling to keep the string back & the arrow in one hand. He couldn't keep a hold of it & let go by accident, shooting the arrow while closing his silver eyes in a panic. It was a bullseye.

Horus opened his eyes & looked, shocked. He turned to his uncle with a surprised smile forming on his face. "I-I did it! I really did it! With my eyes closed too!" He said happily, holding onto the wooden bow.

"Of course you did." Seth stood up & messed with his hair, having his pointer finger in the air & a wink on his face. Horus fixed his hair & looked back at the target seeing sand fall off the arrow, he looked back at his uncle unimpressed while he gave the bow back to him.

"Oh, don't look at me like that...All you have to work on is your positioning more. You have good eyes & you know that..It just takes practice & it has only been your first time doing this in awhile. That's all." He pat his shoulder in reassurance, he started to leave; knowing he'd follow behind & he did exactly that.

"Uncle Seth?" "Hm?" He glanced back at him with content over his shadowed eyes. "Is there a possibility I...Could be like you someday?" He said innocently with a radiant look on his face, his silver eyes shined in the sun.

Seth stopped in his tracks & gripped onto the bow, the back of his mind remembering the sight of Apophis. "Don't. You'll regret every single bit of it." He was very stern & it frightened Horus a little, he immediately turned to his nephew worried; not wanting him to cry.

"No no..I..didn't mean it like that at all, Horus. I apologize.." He chuckled awkwardly & soothingly, trying to be comforting to him. "Well...For now lets just continue your archery..We can talk more about this later. I need to get you home anyway...otherwise your magician mother will give me a long rant." He sounded annoyed, making a slightly funny face to try & make him laugh.

Horus clearly felt better after his statement, having a small smile on his face. He quickly followed his uncle as he started to walk away again, holding onto his golden jeweled hand as they headed back home to the City of Heliopolis.

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