Reassuring Presence

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Seth had lunged at his brother but the spear ricocheted his attack & he was launched back. He clawed into the ground, stopping himself. Osiris had closed his eyes then opened them to see he wasn't harmed, he sighed of relief but almost got slashed by a claw. He fell over from the shock & swung the spear, hitting Seth on the cheek.

"BROTHER! Are you alright?? I-I didn't mean it! I was just trying to-" His sentence got caught off by Seth running up & throwing him to the ground, his hand around his neck tightly. Osiris had dropped the spear & was trying to get his hand off of him but it wouldn't budge. He gagged, not being able to breath. "! Le- Let go! Don't...Please don't make the same before!" He tried to knock sense into him, trying to get him back.

He looked over to the spear & tried to reach it but couldn't, he got scared & closed his eyes...knowing he could actually die a second time. He felt a tear fall on his face & immediately looked back at Seth, seeing he was crying. He slowly let go & sat on his knees in disbelief, Osiris immediately sat back up & hugged him; trying to comfort him. Seth suddenly yelped in pain, his arm had been slashed by a claw. Osiris looked over & saw Apep standing there, the blood on his hand; He was clearly displeased with the battle's outcome.

"You two make me sick. Everything I do ends up FAILING miserably...At this point you might aswell kiss to make yourselves feel better-" His cheek got slashed mid-sentence & he stopped, shocked. He put his hand on his cheek, seeing his own blood, he looked over to Osiris who now held a jagged dagger in his hand.

He put the dagger in front of his face, keeping it under his eyes so he could see Apep; he glared at him hard. "Don't you dare put your words into my mouth & don't you ever hurt him like that again, Apep. You continuously torment him physically & mentally whenever you get your hands on him & I'm starting to get tired of it. I know you're the one who caused his rampage."

Apep just listened to him, his cheek had healed. Osiris continued, "You whispered in his ear & it made his rage go overboard. You are the cause of it....but so was my own wife." He got quiet for a moment, just speaking the truth. "You are an unforgivable man. Your sins cannot be repaired no matter how hard I try...I hope you know that if you ever decide to become good..." He finalized, lowering the dagger from his face. Apep processed his words, finally clenching his fists & snarled at him.

"Get out...Go. Take your brother & your words back with you." Apep turned away & stormed off, Osiris watched as he left. Seth had fallen asleep, recovering himself.

Osiris finally got Seth in bed, he was in pain from carrying him & from his wounds that still hadn't healed yet. Nephthys glanced in & gasped, gasped to see Seth was back but also to see how injured Osiris was.

"He's okay! But what happened to you?? Is it anything serious??" Nephthys ran up to him & checked him, she was already worried sick. "I-I'm alright..I'm okay really. You don't need to worry too much." He reassured her, taking her hands & holding them. She nodded & rested her head on his hands, holding back her tears.

Nephthys chatted with him for abit before leaving him be with Seth. Osiris stayed quiet, making sure she was gone. He immediately threw himself down & hugged his brother tightly, almost sobbing.

Seth slowly woke up from hearing his distress & looked at him, seeing him sobbing his eyes out. He took the blanket & draped it onto them both, wrapped his arms around him & kissing the top of his head hazily. "Get some rest...I know you need it too." He reassured him & immediately fell back asleep. Osiris had gotten quiet, he was processing what he just did & knew what he said was true. He rested his head down & soon fell asleep too.

Isis soon came by & knocked on the door, quietly walking in. "Seth....You alright? Sorry I didn't come see you soo-" She saw how they were dead asleep together & almost got jealous but also ticked off. "WHAT THE HELL??"

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