You Look Familiar..

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Horus managed to turn back into his human form & put on the clothes Seth gave him, he was tired of looking like an overly slutty belly dancer. He flopped back onto the bed & hugged onto one of the pillows, almost falling back asleep when he heard the door open.

"Horus...?" It was Anubis, he quickly shut the door behind him after he recognized him. Horus got up & ran over to him in a hurry, running into his arms & hugging him tightly. He almost fell over, forgetting how small he could be when a human. Anubis helped him back onto the bed & closed the curtains by the balcony, "How are you here & what have you done to yourself? Why are you wearing my Father's clothes....?" He looked back at him, seeming worried.

Horus looked down now flustered. "I...It's...a long story....." He proceeded to tell him what happened ever since that day..he told him about last night too. Anubis just listened, some parts surprised him, others did not. "I see....Some of those stars aligned...surely..." Horus went over & held his bandage wrapped hand, "What happened to you too?" He sounded concerned while Anubis just blankly stared at him...His headdress casting a shadow over his face. Anubis explained everything to him too, telling him about how he had saved Osiris aswell.

"It is my work now....It's a blessing..but sometimes a curse too. It was never Father's fault either....It was just fate." He explained, staring off into space then looked back down to Horus. "You're saying.....Apep caused all of this? But mother did too?" Anubis nodded in response, Horus felt a shiver down his even more ashamed. "Uncle...I need to go to him!" He went to get up but Anubis pushed him down, keeping his hand on him. "Don't. You'll ruin YOUR plan. Keep this on as long as you can...Help my father as much as you can. Please....For my sake..For yours & for Kemet." He let go of Horus & stood back up, "I have to get going....Once everything subsides for me & for your father, we'll talk again." He left.

Horus processed what he said, understanding his point. He laid back down & soon fell asleep.

Horus woke up to find Seth beside him, already dead asleep. Horus stayed in his spot for a moment, curling up into a ball. Horus didn't want this. He soon got up to his knees & took out the dagger from the cloth, raising it to Seth's heart. He stared at him deeply, not wanting to kill him. He stared at him for awhile. Remembering.

The memories. The way he taught me so much. He helped me whenever I was in trouble. He too, loved me just as much as he loved his son & wife. I too, always admired how he looked...His cocoa skin & hair, the golden-red eyes of his, his scars...I always wondered about them, his taste for golden jewelry & ornamental clothing...& even his makeup that matched the desert floor, his voice...always low & sometimes hoarse but his tone always being kind. Soft spoken at times....

He started to cry, not wanting to kill him; never wanting to kill him. Horus didn't want this. He started to feel ashamed of himself..even more than before. His emotions were overwhelming him & he wanted it to stop, he kept thinking about Seth. He leaned in to kiss make himself feel better but realized & stopped himself...but stopped himself by jabbing the dagger into his own eye. He loudly yelped in pain, taking his hands off the dagger shakily & afraid to pull it back out. Seth smelt the scent of blood & jolted awake, seeing what was happening.

"I'm sorry....I woke you up...." Horus said quietly, profusely sobbing. Seth took a hold of him, going to get the dagger out. "Hold yourself." He immediately took the dagger out with ease, covering his bloodied eye with his finger. Horus whimpered from the pain, feeling like he was going to pass out. Seth proceeded to take care of him; bandaging his eye, giving him medicine & herbs to help...This didn't feel like the Seth everyone is so afraid of.

"Why...." Horus thought about what he was going to say, "Why are you helping me? A....human like me?" He stayed on the bed, watching Seth wrap up the bandages & put it away. "You remind me of someone I've been looking for....That I've been searching for awhile for them." He looked outside toward the balcony, his back turned to Horus.

"I know it's you." Seth looked back at him, the pure black eyes now staring at him.

Horus got scared, knowing he was going to be killed. He stayed in his place, knowing he couldn't run away. "I'm sorry....I-I never meant to show my face here. It was Mother's idea...She wanted me to kill you...." He watched as Seth came up & leaned closer, the void eyes blankly staring. Horus closed his only eye & looked away, slightly shaking.

He waited for something to happen but it never came. He opened his eye & looked over to Seth, seeing he was hugging onto him with his head down. Seth's eyes had gone back to normal but his expression looked sorrowful. Horus went to ask if he was alright but noticed something on the back of his neck, he moved the headdress cloth & his hair out of the way...seeing a bite mark; it looked to be a Cobra's. He quietly looked at Seth, seeing he was very still but awake; he then put his hand on his neck & healed the mark. Seth jumped & grabbed him but stopped....something happened. Horus was confused & worried, "Are you....alright, Uncle?"

Seth sat up & felt the back of his neck, feeling it was healed. "He's finally gone." Horus stared up at him confused before Seth suddenly hugged onto him again, kissing his head & cheeks in clear happiness. Horus got flustered, trying to stop him. "W-What did I do?? What happened??" Seth stopped, resting his head in Horus's lap & sighed; still having his arms wrapped around him. " a hold of me those many years ago....That is why....I am what I now permanently am.....Same goes to you." He had closed his eyes, he opened them & looked back up to Horus.

"I don't....What do you mean...?" Horus asked, worry in his one eye. Seth got up & brushed off his skirt, Horus shifted back to normal..starting to get tired of the human form aswell.

"You'll have to fight me for the throne." Seth said to him blankly, Horus was shocked; his wings jolted up. "I-I can't do that! You're way stronger than me! I-I can't fight you....You're...You're my uncle. My family...." He looked down in shame, never wanting to hurt him.

"I understand....But it is something that had been told by Ma'at for ages. If you win, you will get the throne...but I will be exiled. If I win & get the throne, you & your mother both will be exiled." Horus quietly nodded, understanding the costs. Seth put his hand on his & Horus looked back up at him. "I have a feeling...If we tie...The throne will go back to your Great Grandfather. To me..& to you that seems like the better outcome. But fate is the only one that can decide this. You understand?"

Horus stared at him for a moment & nodded. "I understand the costs."

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