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"& then the barque STRUCK the side of the cosmic wave!" Seth blew sand off his palm at Horus whom was listening intently, he giggled & was immediately brought back into the story with open ears. Anubis stayed on the floor by the doorway of the room, quietly listening to the story; He was struck by the story but wasn't as infatuated as Horus.

"But Uncle Seth! What about Apep?? What happened after that?!" Horus leaned forward in his chair, very excited.

"Oh? Well of course-" Seth went over & instantly pick him up, twirling him around in the air. "I held the spear up behind my head & THREW it as hard as I could!" He tossed Horus up in the air then caught him. "The spear struck the serpent right in the chest as I intended it to. He soon whined like a little baby & retreated back to his evil realm!" He finally put Horus down & kneeled down to him. "I soon came back home & slept like a baby."

"What kind of ending to a story is that?" Horus looked of disappointment, Seth pat his shoulder in response. He got back up & proudly stood in his spot.

"Just trying to make it fun for you. It's a harsh topic so I try to make it the best I can for both parties." He softly smiled, hoping Horus would understand & he did. Seth looked over at Anubis's spot & noticed he was already gone, he went to leave too but felt Horus tug at his cape. He looked down at him & saw he now looked embarrassed about something.

"What's up with you all of a sudden? Why are you making that face?" Horus let go of his cape, almost seeming hesitant. "Papa told me how some of us gods have...different faces..He told me yours is the most unique. Can..I maybe see it?" His silver eyes glowed with innocent curiosity.

Seth stared at him for a brief moment before taking a long sigh. "I can't." He took a second to think of what to say next, "Well...It's not that I can't. It's just that sometimes you have to have strong emotions to release it...or you have to have manual control..which I'm not too good at. But don't worry...You'll know eventually." He gave him a reassuring smile. "Now off to your mom you go otherwise she'll yell at me for keeping you too long."

Horus thought about it for a moment then happily nodded, understanding. He ran out of the room & back to his mother.

"Quite the story you had..But why did you lie about your pretty face to him?" Seth turned to the voice & saw Sekhmet there with a grin on her face. He got annoyed with her mere presence in the room, she went up to him still with a mischievous grin on her face; the lion-designed mask she kept on covered the upper half of her face only. She started to purposefully fiddle with his gold earrings before he took her wrist by force.

"Quit it & leave. You're already annoying me enough." He let go of her & tried to leave but she wrapped her arms around his, now angrily pouting. "You're such a rude brother! Never letting me do anything at all!" She had teared up..trying to make him feel sorry but he wasn't having it, it pissed him off & he elbowed her in the face. He stormed off to his room while Sekhmet recovered from the hit, it wasn't fatal but still hurt of course.

A certain visitor had watched everything from atop a pillar, it was a cobra that watched as Sekhmet quietly ranted to herself about Seth. It then slithered away behind the pillar to not be seen again, Sekhmet had looked up at the spot confused but saw nothing there in the end. She shrugged it off & left the room without a sound.

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