This Is The Meaning of Chaos.

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Seth sat alone in the desert sun, putting his hands on his face. He leaned forward, resting his head on the sand in disbelief & regret.

"Setehk. My beloved..." Seth immediately looked back to see Apep walking towards him, he stood up & summoned his spear from the sand. Apep went up to him & rested his hands on his cheeks, putting his thumbs on his ears. "You've always had a lovely, uncanny face....." Seth got annoyed & shifted back to his original, human head; he turned away from him & stabbed the spear into the ground. "Get away from here. I never wanted to see your own face again."

Apep went up to him, hugging onto him from behind. "I heard what you did. I am..actually & surprisingly shocked. But you did what your heart desired. Don't you think?" Seth turned to him angrily. "I NEVER- I didn't....I didn't mean to....I loved him. I loved my brother. I didn't mean to kill him....My anger got over me...." He put his head down in shame.

Apep tilted his head to the side. "I understand...I understand. But what will you now do about Horus? Or Isis?" Seth looked up at him now concerned. "Isis will come after you. Horus will be tormented by greed from his own mother...He will try to kill you. You don't want that. Do you?"

Seth thought about it, now worried. Apep immediately grabbed him, putting his hands on his cheeks again. "GET OFF! G-GET OFF OF ME!" He suddenly stopped, being hypnotized by Apep's eyes. Apep stared at him closely, "You WILL have the throne for yourself. No matter the costs. You will kill everyone in the entirety of Kemet if you have to. Do you understand me?" His eyes widened, Seth was being blinded by his words..He faintly nodded, shedding a blood red tear.

"Good. Be a good boy for me." He rested his hand on his shoulder & faded away, a cobra slithered away into the sand in his place. Seth stared blankly into the horizon then headed back home, dragging the spear along.

"ISIS! YOU ARE INSANE!!" Sekhmet screamed at her.


Isis looked up at her, her hand on her now bruised cheek. "He deserved that throne! I don't care what you say! My son deserves it as much as he did too!" They both heard a whistling sound from above & the spear suddenly stabbed right into the ground in front of Isis, she quickly backed away. Sekhmet quickly stepped away, her hand over her mouth in shock. Isis hit something & looked up, seeing Seth staring right at her. He grabbed her by her hair & she yelped, Sekhmet ran up & tried to stop him but got thrown at a pillar. The other gods now heard what was happening & everything was thrown into a panic.

Anubis was hiding in a hidden room with Horus, they both listened as they heard the other gods trying to fend off Seth but failed miserably. The door to the room opened & they both got scared but realized it was Thoth, he was carrying Isis on his back. "Horus come! Anubis stay here please!" Anubis nodded & assured Horus everything would be alright.

Horus ran, holding onto Thoth's hand as they headed for the barques by the Nile. Horus looked to the horizon & saw it was being shadowed by a freak sandstorm, he looked up at Thoth scared. Once they got up to one of the barques, Thoth immediately threw Horus in & rested the unconscious Isis with him on the boat. He looked back to the temple to see Seth slowly coming up, the dragging spear sparked on the stone floor. Seth looked to the side & immediately got tackled down by Sobek & Montu, Thoth realized they were giving them more time & slightly sighed of relief.

"Horus listen to me...You can sail a barque no??" Thoth asked him, Horus nodded..too stunned to speak. "Good! That's good! Sail into the city & hide there!" Thoth pointed to the nearby city outside of the domain for the gods, Horus looked at him afraid. "B-But that's where the humans live! I-I can't! I don't want to leave! I-I don't-" Thoth took a hold of Horus's arms, making him stop.

"Horus. You & your mom will be safer there than you are here! I wish I could explain everything to you but...But- B-But I can't!" Seth's spear hit the ground beside them, Thoth barely dodged it. "HORUS GO!!" Thoth pushed the barque in a hurry, the wind blowed; throwing the barque into greater speed. Horus watched as Thoth got taken away by Seth.

Horus wanted to yell but was afraid to get Seth's attention. He fell down on his knees & quietly sobbed, wondering how his life got thrown into shambles so quickly. He eventually fell asleep from the stress, hugging onto Isis. The barque soon stopped into the port, the citizens immediately took him & his mother in as their own without question at all.

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