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He kept his eyes closed, not daring to look at his brother.

"You still feel guilty about the situation don't you...?" He got close to his ear & whispered, "I can take the pain away..."

Osiris immediately grabbed the pillow from behind him & slapped Seth with it hard, he got up & bolted out of the room. Seth ripped the pillow off his face & followed. Osiris had hid behind a pillar & saw him sprint past, he sighed of relief & went to quietly leave his spot but jumped to find Horus right beside him.

"Don't do that...Please.." He leaned over, calming himself down. Horus felt bad & helped, "Sorry...I didn't mean to do that..You alright? What's going on?"

Osiris sighed & put his hand on his head, trying to think of how he's going to explain everything. He thought about how he was going to word it & finally explained it all to his son, Horus was left bewildered.

"I see....It makes sense..." He thought about it for a moment but suddenly looked up in fear. "FATHER!" He quickly pushed himself & Osiris down before they both could've been impaled by Seth's spear, his wing got caught by the spear & he yelped. Osiris turned to see Seth headed straight toward them, he quickly pulled the spear out of Horus's wing & ran with him; taking the spear.

He ran into the throne room & slammed the doors, using the spear for the barricade. He stepped away from the door, "The spear is strong...But the doors won't be for long....Horus, you alright? I have bandag-" He turned around & found the room empty, it was now unusually quiet. He looked around, starting to get frantic.

"This space won't exist for long...I just thought you needed peace & quiet for once. It's been busy for you recently..."

Osiris looked & saw Nut, he sighed; his voice breaking. "Mother..." Nut went up to him & rested her starry hand on his cheek. He now looked hopeless, finally expressing how he truly felt. "I don't....know what to do....I'm afraid." He responded, looking like he was about to cry.

"Don't worry....It'll be okay. It'll actually go me & trust yourself." She softly replied, she gently took her hand away. "Your hair is messy...I'll fix it for you." She fixed his unraveled hair, slicking it back for him & repositioning his head scarf.

"Why are you here...? You never come unless something major is going to happen. So please tell me. What do I need to know?" He took her hand after she finished, she sighed.

" partly know. Your brother is possessed by Apep, the hypothesis you had thought of was correct. He'll continue to be after you if you don't think of something now..." She closed her eyes for a moment, tired of Apep just like everyone else.

" that it? There has to be more that you need to tell me, mother." He exclaimed, holding onto her hand tighter.

"I..I can't....Not now atleast....There is so much more I would love to tell you...but I am limited with my words."

They heard the door now banging hard, it was cracking as they spoke. "Mom please! What can I atleast do to make this mess better??" He was worried, Nut stuttered. "I-I have to go....Use the spear to your advantage while you can. I'm sorry for my short time...You'll know the truth within time." She slowly started to vanish.

Horus was shaking Osiris, trying to snap him back to reality. "FATHER WAKE UP! HURRY!!" Osiris snapped back into reality & ran over to the door, he hesitated for a moment before taking the spear. The doors broke open & Seth was greeted with his spear in front of his face. He softly smiled, a cold look on his face. "You would never do it..."

"I will." Osiris replied, holding the spear tightly. He could tell Apep was actually surprised with that reaction. Seth huffed & took a hold of the spear, jerking it down & taking Osiris down with it. Horus went to attack but easily got thrown to the side, he stayed down but was worried for his father.

"YOU DON'T HAVE THE GUTS TO DO IT!" Seth yelled at him, holding the spear tightly. Osiris tried to get the spear back but stopped & stared at him confused, "Was that....actually meant to be a joke or no....?" Seth clearly got stunned & stuttered, that threw him off guard & Osiris quickly kicked him, getting a hold of the spear back.

"Give me back my brother, Apep. Now. I don't want to have to fight you...please. Not in front of my own son..." He sighed, lowering his gaze in worry.

Seth stared at Horus then back to Osiris, he huffed in annoyance. "Fine....but I won't keep your promises forever, you cabbage." He immediately fell over, passed out cold.

Osiris looked slightly offended & bewildered, Horus went up to him quietly. "Did he....Did Apep just insult me by calling me a cabbage...?"

"Um....yes, father.." Horus responded, looking just as bewildered as him.

Horus had helped Osiris get Seth back in bed, the spear rested against the wall.

Horus stared at his father for a moment, seeing he seemed off. "You okay?" Osiris quickly looked at him & nodded, "I'm just very tired. I'm alright though...don't worry." He gave him a soft, reassuring smile.

"I just hope he stays down this time. Since he's been getting up everytime I get him in bed." He put his hands on his hips & huffed, Horus nodded in response; understanding what he meant.

"Mother needed help with something in the garden...You should come with & leave him be. He'll be fine...& you need a break." Horus suggested, knowing he's been busy constantly.

Osiris thought about it & nodded, "I'll be right behind you."

Horus left, Osiris quickly following him. Eris & Resheph had watched everything from afar, they both looked at eachother worried; now knowing Apep was going to be pissed once they get back to him.

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