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He sighed on his throne, tired.

Anubis quietly looked over, "You alright?" He turned to face Osiris, his staff in hand.

"I-I'm fine...Just tired..still. I did sleep well but kept waking up...I honestly don't know why." He replied, having his hand on his head.

"The thoughts of Apep could be keeping you awake...I feel like that would be the most reasonable explanation. Go take a break...I can handle it from here, okay?" Anubis put his hand on his, having a slight worried tone in his voice. Osiris stared at him for a moment then looked away, nodding.

"Yes...You have a point..." He got up & went to walk off but quickly looked back at Anubis, "Should I be back at a certain time?" He politely asked, now given a confused look by his judge. "No..no no, of course not. I can take things from here....Go before you change your mind & become miserable here." Anubis quickly responded, gesturing him to go take his break. Osiris hesitantly nodded & headed off, he did want his break but was just afraid he'd miss something important.

He headed to his courtyard & stood there, sighing. He crossed his arms & just stood there, staring up at the permanent night sky. He felt someone watching but didn't look, he closed his eyes for a moment. "..What are you doing out here..."

Seth walked out from the shadows, "Just checking on you..." He certainly had a dead look on his face & it threw Osiris off guard, he looked over & stared him up & down. "You okay? You seem....unusually calm.." He looked alittle worried, especially after everything that has happened. Seth went up to him & gave him a soft smile, "I'm fine...Do not worry about me."

Osiris got quiet, nodding. He immediately turned around & headed out of the courtyard, Seth followed closely. Eris watched the scene from afar, quietly following them quickly. Osiris found himself cornered by accident, he ran into one of the hallways with a dead end.

"Something's wrong...What do you need to tell me. If not, why are you following so close & why are you way calmer than usual. Please answer one of those questions..." He nervously asked, trying to keep his composure. Seth got close to his face & he quickly moved back, bumping into the wall. Osiris knew something was wrong, he stared at Seth's eyes...seeing they were pure gold, not his red-gold color.

Seth got closer & Osiris slapped him hard, catching him off guard. He managed to push him aside & ran, headed straight back to Anubis. He looked back & Seth was right there, he tackled him down hard.

"GET OFF OF ME! G-GET OFF!" He flailed around, almost kicking Seth in the face. "GET AWAY FROM ME, APEP!!" He screamed at him, shedding a tear of fear. He had closed his eyes out of fear & gripped onto Seth's hair to try & stop him, he quickly opened his eyes back up & saw a concerned look on Seth's face..His eyes were his red-gold color.

"Did you finally snap out of it?? Are you alright? What's going on with you? Is Apep bothering you again..." Seth asked him calmly, he seemed perfectly fine & was clearly concerned for his brother. Osiris quickly let go of his hair now overwhelmed, he tried to explain but started to cry instead. He didn't really know what just happened, he couldn't tell if it was a hallucination or not. Seth sat up & hugged him, bringing his head up to his shoulder & comforting him. Osiris was dumbfounded but realized it was truly him, he hugged him back tightly & cried; thinking he had lost his brother to Apep once again.

Seth comforted him, keeping him calm. He noticed Eris & glared at her hard. She got scared & quickly flew off, immediately headed back to report to Apep. Anubis had heard the commotion & finally came running in.

"I heard you screaming...What happened..Is everything alright??" Anubis quickly stood beside them both. Seth looked over, "Everything's alright...I came here to check if he was alright from what had recently happened & I think he was hallucinating....
hallucinating that I was Apep."

Anubis got quiet & nodded, taking in that information. "Take him home, Father...I can handle it here by myself. I don't want him sticking around here if he's now that uncomfortable with his environment." Seth nodded in agreement & picked up Osiris, immediately taking him home.

Osiris quietly lay in Seth's bed, he was even more tired after crying but felt like he couldn't sleep. Seth had taken off his cape & was currently fixing his eyeliner, it got smudged when Osiris kept kicking at him.

"I'm sorry....I wasn't thinking straight...." He stayed still, clearly comfortable in bed. Seth eventually finished & sat at the side of the bed, "It's fine...don't throw yourself down. It's not the first time you've fought back as defense." He stared off into space, Osiris got alittle awkward about that..He closed his eyes for a moment.

"I feel bad though...How can I make it up to you...?" He opened his eyes & slightly jumped, seeing Seth staring dead at him. He got worried not knowing if this was either a hallucination or reality. "What's wrong?" Seth asked him, getting alittle close.

"You seem to be feeling a lot of...guilt...How come, brother?" Seth tilted his head, Osiris moved back nervously.

He quickly looked away, knowing this was a trick of Apep's again. He closed his eyes, now waiting for the worst to happen.

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