His Savior

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Seth sat alone in the courtyard, he had changed back into his uniform earlier that morning. He listened to Isis & Osiris's conversation from afar while sipping on bitter coffee.

"My love, have you not heard of the God Hunters that are out lately? Apparently they come from the Roman Empire & are targeting us...I'm just worried that-" Isis pat his shoulder, holding his hands. "Dear, He'll be alright. Horus can take care of himself. He FINALLY got his wings! Are you not happy for him?" Seth turned to them, now confused.

"I am! I really am but...He doesn't really know how to fly! What if he gets caught by those hunters??" Osiris tried to explain to her but she didn't seem to listen. "He'll be able to fly in no time. That's how I learned with mine."

"Yes but-....OUR child is different! He's not exactly like you!" Osiris held onto her hands, raising them up to her chest. "I just want someone to watch over him! I don't dare want to see him taken away from us!" He continued to try to talk her into it, Seth came over & stood beside them; they both looked up at him.

"I'll watch him. He'll be safe, brother. Don't worry." He rested his hand on his shoulder, Osiris smiled at him..now feeling better. "He wanted to play out by the oasis...Perhaps you can help him with his flying too."

Seth nodded & soon left. Isis just stared at him for a moment then grunted, looking away. Osiris slightly shook his head, not understanding her sometimes.

The oasis beautifully shined in the sun, the clear blue water sparkled...but no sign of Horus. Seth looked around for him, confused.

"Uncle! Uncle! Look!" Seth looked up, seeing Horus atop one of the taller trees. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING UP THERE?!" Seth panicked, about to make a run for it.

"Uncle! I can do it! Don't worry, Look!" He tried to reassure him then jumped with his wings spread out. Before he could think, he was falling & immediately panicked. Seth caught him with ease but stumbled back & landed right into the water. Seth sat up & heavily sighed, already soaked. Horus got up & shook himself off, he went over to him & wanted to help him up; holding his hand. "I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! I had it together the first time I swear! But you were gone...& I...I accidentally messed it up...." He felt bad, looking like he was about to cry.

Seth pat his back, comforting him. His hair had gotten undone from the fall. "Don't beat yourself up kid. It's not your fault." He stood back up & got himself dried off in the sun, he put his hair back & fixed his bun. "You're being awfully quiet now...You okay? I'm alright really.." He turned around to see Horus was gone, he quickly looked around..remembering the God Hunters his brother talked about.

"HORUS??" He frantically looked around trying to find him. "WHERE'D YOU GO?? How are you so fast??" He heard something from behind one of the dunes & looked to it, the dune fell apart instantly. Horus was there & he quickly looked over worried, Seth went up to him. "What are you doing?? Come..stay close to the oasis for me please..."

"I'm sorry...I thought you needed some alone time...But look! I found a scarab amulet!" He happily showed it to his uncle, his wings fluttered with excitement. Seth had to look away & covered his smile with his hand, "It's a...very cute amulet. But come...Your Papa wanted me to watch over you." He looked back down at him & held out his hand, Horus put the amulet in his pocket & took his hand.

Seth quietly smiled at him then looked off into the distance, seeing something shine. An arrow suddenly flew at his head, his eyes widened & the arrow fell into sand. "We need to go. NOW." He picked up Horus & started to run with him, Horus was confused & looked back to see more arrows flying at them. He quickly shielded himself with his wings but suddenly one of them got hit with a arrow, he loudly yelped in pain. Seth looked down to see he got hurt & fell to his knees, he saw more arrows flying at them & swung his arm over; his cape took the impact & turned the arrows into sand.

"HORUS! SAY SOMETHING!" He said, panicked. Horus responded with a nod & shakily took the arrow out of his wing. "I'm okay..." His eyes widened in fear, "UNCLE!" Seth looked up to see a cannonball headed right for them, he shoved Horus out of the way & got hit by it instead; the impact physically turned him into sand.

"UNCLE SETH!!" He knew he was still alive but was afraid to be alone. The Hunters came up to him & grabbed him up by his arms, he kicked & screamed at them; finally being able to throw himself in the air with his wings. He couldn't stay up in the air for long but tried to, one of the hunters lassoed his ankle & tried to pull him down. "SHU HELP!" A gust of wind appeared out of nowhere & made the Hunters let go of him but also made Horus almost fly out of control. He was scared & closed his eyes, he suddenly got pulled down to the ground & he quickly looked.

Seth had taken his form back, the side of his face still falling sand. He stared at the Hunters in pure rage. He had wrapped his arms around Horus & his grip only got tighter, he shielded him with his entire body; never wanting him to be touched like that again. "Get out of here." Seth didn't look away nor did he even blink, the side of his face finally shifted..but it was to his real face. Horus stared up at him, now alittle afraid. "....uncle....?" He asked very quietly.

"Get out of here. Get out of my home..OUT OF MY LAND. RIGHT. NOW!!" Seth screamed at the hunters, making them scram off into the desert. Horus had froze in fear, Seth looked down at him; his face fully human again. "Horus? You alright? Horus..?"

Horus woke up back in his bed, a wet rag on his forehead. He took the rag off his head & sat up confused, he could hear Osiris & Seth talking outside the door. He got up & leaned against the door, quietly listening to them.

"I'm sorry brother."

"Seth don't apologize for something you couldn't control. You saved my son from kidnappers..Don't be ashamed of yourself. Please." Osiris took his hand & held it.

Horus opened the door, the two looked at him. Osiris kneeled down to him, "You doing okay? You looked sunburnt so that's why I gave you a rag." Horus looked at Seth quietly, his eyes were now full of amazement. "You remind me of a black rabbit."

Osiris looked over to Seth & tried not to laugh, Seth crossed his arms now flustered. Horus went up to him & held his arms up. "Can I seeing it again? please??" He sounded desperate, Seth backed away. "No. No! Get away from me! AH!" He ran off, Horus quickly followed him giggling.

Osiris watched them both, he slightly shook his head smiling. "Oh my brother....What have you gotten yourself into...."

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