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Anubis moved the silk curtain to the side, confused & worried. He had been looking for his father for about an hour. The calm expression on his face turned into horror, he suddenly put his hand over his mouth in shock & to keep himself as quiet as possible.

Seth silently glanced back at him with the eyes of a rabid predator, his face & hands soaked with gold blood. Osiris lay sprawled out on the floor in front of him, already long gone; his limbs going into directions it shouldn't. A severely bloodied khopesh lay on the floor, it had been used on the body of the deceased.

"How could you.." Anubis slowly put his hand down, clearly nervous to step back from what he's just witnessed.

Seth stood up & stared blankly at him, deadly quiet. He put his finger over his lips, assuring him to stay quiet before he suddenly lunged at him at a rapid pace.

Anubis then woke up in a cold sweat, trying to catch his breath. It took him a moment to calm down, processing what he had just seen. He looked over at the doorway to his room & saw his father standing there, having a calm but worried look on his face. Seth went over & sat at the end of the bed, resting his hand on his son's.

"Did you have another nightmare?" Anubis responded with a quiet nod. "Want to talk about it?" Anubis responded by shaking his head, not knowing how he'd react to such a scene.

Seth quietly sighed. "I completely understand where you're coming from...If anything you can always tell your mother instead. But you're alright?"

"Yes Baba.." Anubis had his head down, he then looked up at his father, trying to look innocent & not distressed. Seth put his hand on  his son's cheek, moving his hair out of his face with his thumb. He silently stared at him before getting back up & straightening his silk skirt.

"Horus was wondering if I could tell him a story later...Would you want to listen?" He looked back at Anubis.

Anubis thought about it then nodded. "I'll listen in, Baba..." "What story will you tell?"

"I'll tell you when the time comes." He gave him a small wink then left the room, Anubis stared off into space; still processing his nightmare. He just hoped it wouldn't turn into a reality.

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