Is This Really Royalty?

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Horus sat up to hear commotion outside, he went out to the courtyard to see almost everyone there. He went up to his dad & gently yanked at his skirt, "What's going on?" Osiris looked down at him & crouched down, "Your Great Grandfather Ra got sick...He had to step down from the throne....Miss Ma'at is about to tell us who will step up in his place...."

Ma'at stepped up in front of everyone, having a scroll in her hand. She unfolded it & cleared her throat, everyone immediately got quiet. "The the Our Lord, The Sun God will be...."

Everyone was anticipated, Seth stood by his wife & son quietly.

"Osiris. Son of Nut & Geb will be the hier to the throne."

Everyone looked back at Osiris, some shocked, some happy & others jealous. Overrall, everyone ran up to him & congratulated him...Especially Isis. Osiris awkwardly smiled & thanked everyone, "Thank you...Thank you...I-I don't deserve this much praise though...really..." He softly laughed then looked over to Seth, he was angry; glaring hard at his own brother. Osiris looked away now scared, "I-I should get going..." He pat Horus's shoulder & quickly left everyone, Seth stared as he left.

"It should've been ME. I've worked DAY &
N I G H T on the Solar Barque...I fought that SNAKE & I don't even get rewarded for that?!" Seth clawed hard at the table, it cracked under his strength, he glanced back at Nephthys whom seemed terrified. "I-I'm sorry....M-Maybe we can find another way through this?? T-Together...?" Seth lunged at her, throwing her down to the floor, she yelped in fear & pain. "SETH PLEASE!!" She started to cry as he got closer to her face, snarling at her.

Anubis bust open the door after hearing her scream, "GET OFF OF MOTHER!!" Seth turned to him & listened, getting off of Nephthys. Seth stormed out of the room & Anubis immediately went over to Nephthys, hugging her & comforting her as she now sobbed in her own son's arms. Anubis looked towards the door...he felt bad..never seeing his father this angry before.

Osiris was in his bedroom, he heard the door slam open & got scared; looking towards it. He saw it was just Horus & sighed of relief. Horus looked at his dad as he came up to him, "S-Sorry...I swung the door open too hard..." he felt bad, Osiris pat his head. "It's okay...Don't apologize for something like that. Okay?" Horus nodded in response.

"Papa..." "Yes sweetheart?" "Is.....Uncle Seth mad at you or something..? He's scaring everyone he sees.." Osiris looked at him nervously, trying to think of what to say but couldn't. Before he knew it, Seth was standing right behind Horus, clawing at the door; he stared at his brother with pure black widened eyes. Horus turned around & Seth acted completely normal, his eyes back to normal. "Your mama needs you with something in the garden.." "N-No I think she's asleep..She visited Nut earlier & I think she's still with her.." Osiris quickly replied, trying to get himself out of the situation.

"Horus, I saw her in the garden...She's planting your favorite lotuses...Go help her out..okay?" Seth pat his back & Horus ran off happily, He walked up to his brother; his face became blank again. Osiris backed away but got stopped against the bed, he looked down at where he was stopped then turned back forward to find Seth directly in front of him.

"I wasn't supposed to be the hier...Something went wrong...I swear by it! Trust me please!" He quickly, shakily put his hands on his chest; trying to push him away. Seth stared at his hands then looked back to his terrified face, he immediately threw him onto the bed with his hand now around his neck. "BROTHER! BROTHER PLEASE! I CAN'T- I CAN'T BREATHE!" He started to flail around in a panic but stopped when he got in his face. "It was HER idea wasn't IT?" "I don't know! I don't know!! I'm innocent! PLEASE!!" The grip around his neck got tighter & he started to choke, tears now rolling down his face.

"...Brother...." He hacked, starting to cough up blood. "" Osiris now accepted his fate, taking his final breath. Seth let go of him & sat up, shedding a tear.

"Baba? You in here?" Anubis moved the silk curtain to the side to find his nightmare had come true. He stared in horror at the scene he had been foretold, he quickly backed away..headed for the already open door. Seth turned to him & stood up, putting his finger over his mouth. Anubis got to the door, ready for what was to happen next.

Seth stared at him blankly, his head fading into falling sand. He suddenly lunged at him & Anubis shut the door before he could've seen his real face. Anubis took a moment to process what had just happened, Seth's claw burst through the door & tried to grab him. Anubis fell over & quickly scooted away from the door, seeing Seth now staring at him uncannily. He quickly got up & made a run for it, "SOMEONE HELP ME! PLEASE!!" Anubis looked back to see his father already behind him.

Sekhmet heard the commotion & looked, "What the Aaru- OH MY GODS! ANUBIS GET OVER HERE!!" Anubis immediately ran to her & she turned invisible with him. Seth ran right past them at lightning speed. Sekhmet turned herself & Anubis visible again & stared as Seth vanished around the corner, she was actually worried. She looked down at the now sobbing child, "Anubis what happened?? Why does he....He rarely shows his real face...What's going on??" Anubis wiped off his tears & proceeded to tell her everything. She listened to him & started to get the real picture.

"That damn girl...." Sekhmet grunted, holding onto Anubis close.

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