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"Seth? Seth? You okay?" Nephthys had her hand on his cheek, she was sitting beside him on the bed.

"I'm....I'm okay...." Seth hazily replied, sitting up in bed. Nephthys now had a concerned look on her face, he looked at her confused. "What...Is something wrong?" She handed him a small mirror & he saw small snake scale patches on his cheeks right below his eyes & a patch of scales on the bridge of his nose. He looked at his teeth to find the top canines had become alittle longer & sharper then he threw off his blanket & saw scattered patches of scales on his scarred body. He put his hand on his head in disbelief & annoyance. "...I can't have a break from him can I...."

"Will you be alright? Is it temporary?" Nephthys held his arm in concern, she had a pure, innocent look on her face. He put his hand down & looked at her, "I'm perfectly fine....But this may be permanent." He got up & looked at his hands, seeing his claws were sharper too with the scattered scales on them; he sighed. "W-What do you do you know it's permanent..?" She asked, fiddling with her hands. Seth went over to her & stood beside her. "Anything he does to me is permanent. My scars. Even if half of them aren't from him, they're still permanent. & so this will be too..."

Nephthys stared up at him, nodding. She hugged onto him, resting her head on his chest. "I'm sorry...." He comforted her, "Don't apologize for something you didn't do or can't control...It's okay really...."

They both stayed quiet, Nephthys didn't let go of him...clearly comfortable. She looked up at him again, having puppy eyes. "May I....Use you as my pillow?" She was being genuine about it, he looked away from her & nodded...never wanting to say no to something like that. "You may. But you can always do that, you don't have to ask me..." He looked back down at her & saw the happiest smile on her face, he was almost blinded by how pure it was. He looked away again alittle flustered, she just happily smiled at him.

"Nephthys..." Seth kept his eyes closed as she was braiding his hair. "Hm?" She stopped for a moment, listening.

"I....I never got to apologize to you....for what I did those years ago..." He slowly opened his eyes, staring off into space.

She still listened to him, "You mean....When you...?"

"Yes. a powerful thing &......I'm sorry for what I did....I scared you. Traumatized you. That day is still embedded into you. I know it."

Nephthys stayed quiet, he was telling the truth. "Have you...Apologized to him?" She asked him quietly. Seth nodded in response, clearly feeling bad. "He's forever in the Duat because of my foolishness." She wrapped her arms around him, trying to make him feel better. "Don't be too heartbroken with yourself...please....Back then you felt like you were doing the right thing. Not for Kemet but for yourself.....& backfired on you." She took his hand & interlocked it with her own.

"It's okay...What's in the past is in the past...The sands of time can't change it. Not even you as the desert can change it. What's done had been done...& I forgive you." She kissed his cheek & continued on his hair, putting lotuses in it. "I still love you. It doesn't matter to me what you have done in your life, what you look like or how you act. I'm sticking to you no matter what. Besides, you're gorgeously handsome. Like, how can women & men not crush on you??" She had finished with his hair & threw her hands up in the air, being genuine. Seth covered his face in embarrassment.

"No no because you understand my point yes?? Oh! We should go out together like we used to! I missed doing that! Can we please go out together sometime soon??" She turned to him to see his face, he looked at her & saw her puppy eyes again. "Fine....I don't dare want to see you upset if we don't..." He put his hands down & smiled at her reassuring. She smiled happily.

Soon nighttime had fallen, Nephthys was dead asleep with Seth. Apep came up from behind, glaring at Seth & reaching for him; venom dripping off his hand. Nephthys slowly woke up but jolted awake after seeing him, she hugged onto Seth tightly, trying to shield him from Apep.


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