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Seth quietly sat at the end of his bed, taking apart his hair bun; he had his hair tie in between his teeth. A snake...The same cobra slithered on the floor toward him without a sound.

Seth let his hair fall after getting out the bun, he went over & put his things on the table still silent. A shadow had appeared behind him & he didn't notice until he glanced behind, his eyes widened in confusion as he was thrown & pinned onto the bed by force; by a man who looked similar to him.

"YOU. HOW'D YOU GET IN HERE??" Seth tried to get back up but couldn't, he wasn't happy but still somehow tried to keep his patience.

"I am a master of the arts..I missed seeing your face, Setehk.." Apep had smiled, he then continually kissed on his neck; still not letting him be able to get up. Seth was clearly flustered, slightly kicking around. "Get-! Get off of ME YOU SNAKE!"

Apep continued his deed until he finally got grabbed by the neck to stop, he then stared at Seth quietly with a smug look on his face. Seth angrily stared at him, having his hand around his neck tightly. "I told you before & ONCE AGAIN not to TOUCH me that way..."

Apep's grin faded, he took Seth's hand off & got closer to his face. "Come with me....you'll be happier.." He went to hold his hand but Seth jerked away. "Why would I ever go with you? I have a wife & son anyway....So the deal is over."

Apep got upset & grabbed Seth even closer by his robe. "You continue to disobey me & I've had ENOUGH of it. You are supposed to be my successor & now you play around as the SUN'S GOD DAMN TOY!!" Seth was then thrown at the wall cracking it, he had immediately got up but got pinned again. "LET GO OF ME!!"

Seth struggled trying to get out of his strong grip, he was still tired so he wasn't as fast & it certainly caught up with him. Apep violated his space, now forcefully kissing his neck again then moving down to his shoulder blades.

Seth kicked around, scratching Apep's face & arms. "QUIT IT!! P-Please..!" He was getting vulnerable, having his claws stuck in Apep's back. They both heard something by the door & glanced over to it, Osiris stood there frozen in shock..He wanted to help his brother but didn't know how to. Seth realized he was near his table, he took one of his khopesh hair sticks & stabbed it into Apep's hand, he yelped & let go of him. Seth immediately ran out of the room; taking Osiris along with him in a hurry.

"W-WHAT- HOW IS HE HERE?!" Osiris was scared, he saw that his brother's neck & shoulder was slightly bleeding. Seth took his brother & they hid behind a pillar, Apep bolted past them in a flash.

"I...I don't know how he got here....You..didn't see all of that did you..?" He was aware he was bleeding but didn't seem to care. Osiris stayed quiet, slightly shaking his head...He had seen everything the moment Seth got pinned against the wall.

Seth looked around first then got out of hiding, holding onto his brother's hand. They both look around everywhere & didn't see Apep at all, "He must've disappeared back to his realm." Osiris worriedly looked back at his brother, holding onto his hand alittle tighter.

"Yes...He probably did..& I'm okay..Don't worry about me too much. It's just....Hickeys..that cut too deep. I can't believe I'm saying that but it's the truth. I'll be fine." He reassured his brother, managing to successfully calm him down.

"Nephy! Did you find him yet?!" Isis ran to her sister in a hurry.

"No....I'm sorry...Have you seen Seth at all either?" She was quiet, fiddling with her hands nervously.

"Pfft. No. My own husband is more important than his crazy brother!" She had proudly crossed her arms after saying that loudly, Nephthys just stared at her slightly concerned.

They both looked for their husbands everywhere. Nephthys finally found them in the moonlit courtyard together asleep on the ground; Seth's neck had been patched up thankfully & he was sprawled out while Osiris lay in one spot close to him; Nephthys smiled softly happy to see them together once in awhile.

"NEPHY! ANY LUCK??" Isis yelled from afar, It made Nephthys jump alittle.

"N-No! I'm sorry sister! They're not here either in the courtyard, I looked everywhere! Trust me!" She quickly headed over to the entrance then looked back at the brothers for a moment before leaving & closing the doors behind her. She finally ran back to her sister in a hurry, not wanting her to disrupt the peace.

Khonsu had watched from afar, he quietly looked around the area before running off.

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