Faithful Meeting

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Apep watched what had happened from the eyes of a cobra, He opened up his eyes & was out of his trace. He huffed, almost seeming jealous of Osiris.

He quietly stared off into the darkness of his temple before turning around & finding two people standing there..waiting for him.

A beautiful woman, long dark hair & wearing a peplos bowed to Apep, she even had large black wings & vulture's claws for feet. "I, Eris, Goddess of Discord is at your service." She looked up at Apep, a soft smile on her face.

The other, a scarred man, wore a white Turban & uniformal attire like Seth's. He bowed at Apep aswell, his hand over his heart. "I, Resheph, God of War & Plague accompanied Eris."

Apep stared at the two, almost snarling. "You two have great pride...don't you? You dare step into my home without warning. You two sure have nerve." He crossed his arms, about to forcefully kick them out.

Resheph immediately looked up & pointed at Eris, "It was her idea to begin with, sire." Eris looked at him bewildered, "HEY! DON'T GET ME KICKED OUT OF HERE!!"

"Enough. Why are you two here in my presence. What is your business here." Apep got close to them, they both now seemed uneasy.

"Apophis...Apep, we came here because we have heard from the other gods like ourselves on how you've been struggling to reclaim Kemet for yourself. We want to help if we can.." Resheph kindly explained, he did seem nicer than Eris.

Eris mumbled under her breath, "...It's quite ironic how the one who's been beating you too is a god of chaos himself..." Apep immediately jerked to her & she jumped, "I-I'm sorry! I'll never speak of that again! Ha! Ha...haha...." She nervously laughed, trying to shake off what she said.

Apep growled at her & looked back to Resheph, "Thank you for your hospitality. I will accept your help...& if our plan doesn't work out, I'll just let Setehk kick you two out of Kemet. I'd be too exhausted to kick Eris out myself..." He grinned, glancing at Eris as she now looked embarrassed.

Resheph nodded, "Thank you in return. Now what should we plan? What is your idea?"

Apep rested his hand on his cheek for a moment & tapped, thinking. He thought about what had happened at the arena & what he had just witnessed not too long ago. He thought about it hard while the two quietly waited.

He soon grinned, having an idea. "I now know what we should plan...But you two will have to act more like witnesses & make sure the plan goes smoothly...I will execute it." He finally replied. Resheph nodded but Eris looked alittle bummed, Apep rested his hand on her shoulder. "Don't worry...You'll have some fun."

Apep walked away from them, staring into the darkness of his temple again. "You two know the relationship of having a That is what I wish my own way. These two are dear & true to eachother...It'd be afraid if someone ruined it...or perhaps.. improvised it." Apep looked back at them, having a sinister look on his face.

Eris hid behind Resheph, they both were at unease again as Apep walked back up to them to tell them the now in-depth plan. Apep's shadow morphed into a snake & coiled around the two gods, showing how they were now stuck with him in his plan.

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