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Seth gave Horus the bow & pat his back, he then ran off to his room happily. Isis was waiting in the shadows, leaning against a pillar with her arms crossed; an unpleasant & almost angry expression on her face.

"You're twelve minutes late. Again.." Isis said, glaring at him with her light blue eyes. Seth turned & looked at her, he heavily sighed with annoyance.

"You think I'm going to kidnap or hurt him every time I take him out to do fun things. You know I would never do such a thing to him. I'm only trying to bond with him so he's not afraid of me." He crossed his arms too, impersonating her & her exact expression.

Isis snarled & stormed up to him, having to stare up at him. Seth stared down at her in response, his expression now deadly blank. His golden, red eyes pierce the Ba like khopeshs.

"You don't scare me." Isis responded angrily, standing on the tips of her toes to try to get closer to his face. He leaned in, making her stand back on her feet. "Try me." He grinned widely, quickly throwing her off guard.

"Enough you two." Said Osiris as he walked in from outside, it was clear who Horus got his looks from. He didn't look mad, just at unease. Isis turned to face him, now looking upset. "He started it first! It was only about to get worse too!" She said with fearful eyes, Seth immediately looked at her like she was insane.

"Don't lie to my face, you know the outcomes of that." Osiris went over & gently pat Seth's arm, staring peacefully at Isis. She got embarrassed & stormed off, her fists clenched. Osiris watched her storm away, sighing then looking up at his brother with a gentle smile. "I apologize about her..you know how she is. Come. Get fresh air in the courtyard with me to blow off steam." He took his brother's coarse hand & lead him back outside.

The courtyard was dazzled with the greenery of an oasis, the center had a small pond decorated with lotus flowers & lily pads. Osiris gestured Seth to sit & he did, he sat criss-cross by the pond. Osiris stood behind him & looked over to see his face. "May I, brother?" "You may." Seth proceeded to take off his headdress, exposing his dark, jeweled hair. Osiris gathered his hair together & started to braid it, being gentle with him.

"You've done well with your personal garden. It looks good & it's certainly peaceful here." Seth said, having his eyes closed. Osiris silently responded with a smile. He quietly examined his brother from behind while doing his hair & his smile slowly faded away as he stared at Seth's scarred but jeweled claws. "Sometimes...I am reminded of how your hand can cover the entirety of my face alone."

Seth opened his eyes in response, he glanced back at Osiris. "Your point being what? That I can easily suffocate you?" Osiris awkwardly looked away, "Nevermind. Just speaking my thoughts out loud.." He then took his hands off of his hair, now seeming proud of himself. Seth looked over at his reflection in the pond, his jeweled hair now in a single braid with his messy bun still intact.

"Thank you brother. I shall get going..I'll be back later to talk." He stood back up & put the headdress back on, keeping his new braid over on his chest. Seth quietly left to go find his own son, Osiris watched him as he left the courtyard. He then looked at his own open hand then closed it tightly; now looking over to the doorway where Isis was now standing...waiting for him.

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