Strings Tied

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Horus was alittle nervous, Isis was putting his short hair up into a small bun then dropped the headdress cloth over. Horus turned to her & she cupped her hands on his cheeks...She looked tired. She was now understanding the things she had done & felt bad.

"I'm...I'm sorry..." Isis heavily sighed & Horus hugged her, she quickly hugged him back. "Everything will be alright, Mother. I promise. Even if I lose...we'll always live a good life together." He kissed her cheek & headed out to the arena, spear in hand.

The sunlight blinded him but his eyes then focused, he looked around to see almost everyone there. Isis went up & sat beside Osiris, he still looked the same...But was bandaged the same way as Anubis. Horus looked around for Seth but he wasn't there yet. Seth soon appeared but had nothing in hand. Ma'at headed to the balcony & everyone got quiet, she kept a scroll behind her back.

"We've all gathered here today to bare witness the fight for the throne between two of our beloved members of the Ennead. Seth, the bestower of Chaos & his young nephew Horus, the bestower of the Wind & Air. The prime rule of the court is that you both cannot kill eachother. You may use anything that is provided to you, from us, & from our land. You may also use your will as a god to do what you may feel is right in battle." Horus looked over to her concerned, knowing his uncle could obliterate him with a single swing of his hand.

Horus went to speak but felt frozen, he looked over to Seth quickly.

"May the best one win for the future of Kemet."

Before he knew it, Seth lunged at him & he barely moved out of the way; dodging the full blown attack. Osiris stood up in shock, worried for his son. Horus had fallen on the ground in shock, holding onto the spear tightly. He stared as Seth slowly turned back to him, the void eyes uncannily staring. Horus heard yelling & looked, seeing it was his father. "HORUS RUN!!" Horus got confused & looked back at Seth, suddenly getting slammed against the wall by him; he lost his breath & almost hacked up blood. Seth blankly stared at him, Horus saw in his blank eyes that he didn't want to do this either. He kicked Seth off & shot up into the air, almost getting hit by an arrow made of sand.

"UNCLE! GIVE ME A BREAK!" He almost got hit by an arrow again & kept having to dodge them, Seth wasn't going to stop & he knew it. Horus tried to think of something but suddenly got thrown out of course by Seth himself hitting him, Horus spun out of control trying to get Seth off of him; yanking at his hair & cape. "G-GET OFF OF ME! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" Horus finally got him off & launched him at the desert floor, a dusty impact following. Horus got worried & flew down, trying to look for him in the dust. Seth came out of nowhere & grabbed him by his wing but Horus kicked him off in time, he looked for his spear & grabbed it. He looked back at Seth & saw he had had shifted to his real face.

Horus was frozen in shock, never seeing it fully before. He was about to stab him with the spear but switched his placement in time before he fell onto the ground, he was now having to try to push Seth away with the spear being the only thing holding him back. Seth continuously snapped at him like he was trying to bite his head off, Horus was scared...Scared to get hurt. Scared of his face. He looked away with his eyes now closed & kicked Seth brutally, he hit one of the pillars & fell back onto the ground, the pillar was about to crumble over him. Horus looked & got up, reaching for his uncle in a panic. "UNCLE LOOK OUT!!"

Seth looked & accepted his fate, wanting to Horus to win. But the pillar never fell, he looked back up confused & his ears fell over in shock. Horus was barely holding up the pillar, wanting Seth to escape. "G-GO!" He yelled, struggling. Seth stared at him confused, he saw how bruised Horus already was from his attacks; he could barely hold up the pillar anymore before it crumbled into sand. He fell to his knees, thankfully the weight fell off his shoulders. Horus looked at Seth, seeing he was back to his original, human head; he had a blank expression on his face.

"I'm....I'm sorry.....I-I couldn't watch you fail. I know you were doing it on purpose too....I'm sorry unc-" Seth immediately hugged him & he hugged him back, slightly whimpering in pain from the scratches. Ma'at herself was silent, she looked at Thoth & Seshat for clues but they both didn't have any. Isis & Nephthys looked over to Osiris, seeing he was in awe. Ma'at went to speak but-

"ENOUGH!!" The voice echoed, Seth recognized it & hid Horus behind him. Apep stormed in & went up to Seth, clearly pissed off at him. "WHERE IS HE."

"He's on the Barque resting. I cannot let you get to him." Seth responded coldly, Horus was worried..trying to hide from Apep. Apep looked over & stared at Horus, "So he is the one you adore so much...How pitiful." He swiftly swung his arm at Seth, making him get launched at the wall. "UNCLE!" Horus yelled & went to go after him but Apep grabbed him & wouldn't let go. Isis & Osiris immediately headed to their son but Apep vanished with him. "No...No no that can't be." Isis quietly said to herself, Osiris looked to Ma'at who looked dumbfounded.

"The Court....The Court must be upheld....It is a strange theory but..Horus is held as disqualified." Nephthys & Anubis had ran over to Seth & helped him back up, Seth looked up to Ma'at slowly, already knowing the outcome.

"Seth-....Seth, the God of Chaos is the winner of this tournament."

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