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"SOMEONE! SOMEONE HELP!" Nephthys ran through the hall, she had gotten bitten on her neck by Apep. Parts of her arms were bleeding, already looking scabbed over; the venom had gotten on her.

Isis heard her cries & came out confused, "Sister, it's four in the morning....What's going on....?" Nephthys ran right into her, hugging her. "SETH! SETH- HE GOT TAKEN!" She had tears rolling down her face instantly.

"Huh??" Isis was still half asleep, partially understanding what she said. Nephthys shook her, making her wake up. "APEP TOOK HIM!" She yelled at her in a panic, Isis widened her eyes in shock. "You're joking?? Right??"

"SISTER LOOK AT ME!" Nephthys showed her arms & neck to her. "Do you really think Seth would do something like this to me?!" Isis stared at her for a moment, thinking he would. Nephthys slapped her, knocking sense into her. "CUT THAT OUT! WE NEED TO FIND HIM! PLEASE HELP ME WITH THIS!" Isis thought about it, she was clearly afraid of Apep. They both heard a spear clank on the floor & turned to it, It was Osiris holding onto Seth's spear. "I'll find him.." Nephthys looked at him happily but Isis was concerned for him. "Y-You can't! What if you get hurt? You can only stay out of the Duat for so long! I-"

"Stop....I'll be fine. I know Apep....I've seen him & even talked to him before in the Duat. Perhaps it will make it easier to get my brother back." He softly smiled, making her feel alittle better. She crossed her arms, pouting in a way. "Just be careful....Please..."

Nephthys nodded, "You seem to want to go alone so please do...I don't want to get in the way....Get Seth & yourself back home safely."

"I will...If I don't come back after atleast two days then come get me & Seth. I'm counting on you two aswell.." He immediately headed off, keeping a hold onto the spear.

Seth was tied up in chains, he was barely awake & certainly wasn't happy, he had cuts & scratches on his body from Apep tormenting him out of anger. Seth just watched Apep as he paced in front of him. "Are you done having fun yet...? You seem to be....enjoying this..." Apep got in his face, snarling at him. Seth just glared at him, a faint smile formed on his face. "Perhaps I am...Does that annoy you..?" He tilted his head at him, now smiling wide with his dead eyes.

Apep got quiet, he huffed at him & left the room. Seth put his head back down & rested for awhile. Soon, Apep came back in with a syringe of his venom in hand & Seth saw now worried. "What do you think you're doing??" He tried to move but couldn't. "Don't worry....It'll take a second..." Apep grinned at him, going for his neck with the syringe. Seth tried to move his head away, "STOP! YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU'RE DOING!!"

"Oh...I am fully aware of the consequences..."

Osiris looked around with the spear in his hands, he was in a dark temple..Apep's temple....His own sanctuary. He heard something & turned to it.

"A living corpse that's looking for his own killer..his beloved brother. How ironic...no?" Apep said, coming out from the darkness.

"He knew what he did was wrong & he apologized to me for his mistake. He may have killed me those years ago but I still love him." Osiris rested the end of the spear on the floor, not going to attack. Apep went up to him & they stared at eachother silently.

"Where is he, Apep."

"Where do you think?"

Osiris thought about it & realized, shocked. Before he could speak, he was knocked out cold.

Osiris jolted awake.

"BROTHER!" He looked around bewildered, realizing he was still gone. He looked over & still had the spear but clearly was in a different room...a whole different atmosphere. He got up & looked around, taking a hold of the spear again. He noticed he was in an arena...almost like a Roman Arena, he looked over to the sidelines & saw Apep.

"Why'd you bring me here?"

"I think you know why...it's quite obvious..." He gently smiled at him, Osiris put his head down in response.

He heard the gate from behind open & turned to it, suddenly getting scratched by a Seth animal. He looked around frantically to see more of them coming after him, he got his spear ready. Apep quietly watched as Osiris got attacked by the hybrid animals, he soon managed to attack them with the spear; turning the animals back into sand.

He was exhausted, on his knees with the spear in hand. He hazily looked at Apep who clapped for him in his victory. "Well done...I'm impressed. You took a beating but managed to overcome that in the end. The only thing I find displeasing is how you aren't much of a fighter."

"I-...I am a judicator for the deceased....That job doesn't require much battle nor was I a soldier back home!" He hesitantly stood back up, still alittle in pain. He heard the sound of jewelry hitting together & low growling, he heavily sighed & put his head down...knowing the sound. A shadow casted over him & he looked back up, seeing a female Sphinx. "I-I don't dare kill a Sphinx..." Osiris nervously replied, looking over to Apep.

The Sphinx got close to his face, catching him off guard. "If one does not fight, One will answer my riddle alternatively." Osiris understood & nodded to her, he'd rather do that than kill her.

"Pharaoh of the land from above & below, What goes on four legs in the morning, two legs at noon & three legs in the evening?" She asked him, now laying down to wait on his response. Apep took out an hourglass & flipped it over. Osiris thought about the riddle hard, keeping the spear in his hand.

He soon looked over to the hourglass & saw his thinking time was up. He looked back to the Sphinx, confident in his answer. "The answer to the riddle is mankind. Man walks on four legs as an infant, two legs as an adult & three legs as an elder with a cane." Osiris said, he was still alittle nervous. The Sphinx stared at him for awhile then nodded, "You speak the truth. One is impressed by your knowledge. One must tell you now that the Master of Chaos provided a special trial for you. I wish you the best of fate, Pharaoh from the land of above & below." The Sphinx got back up, nodded to him again & left...she glared at Apep after taking her leave.

Osiris knew exactly what she meant. He looked over to the nearby closed gate & pointed the front of the spear at it, he was prepared for the worst. Apep quietly smiled. The gate opened & Seth immediately lunged out, headed straight for Osiris.

"WAIT!!" He exclaimed, panicked & quickly shielding himself with the spear. He wasn't fully prepared & now had a terrified look on his face.

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