The Emperor of The Sun

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Eris & Resheph hesitantly walked into the temple, it looked like a freak sandstorm hit it. Apep was standing in the middle of his throne room, heavily breathing.

"Sir..Is everything alright?" Eris asked nervously.

Apep jerked back, looking at them. He clearly had an unstable look on his face, he turned around to face them..having a uncanny grin on his face. "I'm fine....Nothing's wrong..& nothing failed miserably. Aren't I correct?"

"Yes-....Yes sir..." Resheph responded, knowing Eris was afraid to. Apep tilted his head, his smile uncannily wider.

"I can't seem to win...So I'll just have to execute the plan I've hated to have to use for eternity.." He started to walk off, the two hesitantly following.

He headed to the edge of his temple, looking down at the cosmic sea. The two were shocked by what they were now seeing. The Solar Barque was in the sea, it was clearly scratched up & worn but was unsinkable. Apep turned to the two, "Isn't it fascinating..? It's been here for eons....& no one ever knew.....Come." He walked off to a more secluded area of the temple, it was dark...& silent. Pure obsidian chains were wrapped around the pillars & looked to continue down the halls for miles.

Sekhmet was spectating from afar, Osiris wanted her to see what Apep was planning this time. She quietly followed, hiding herself well within the dark. Apep moved aside the golden curtain to the room & now happily stood there with his hands together, Eris & Resheph hesitantly looked; now terrified by what they saw. Sekhmet looked from atop a broken chained pillar & covered her mouth in shock.

Ra was on his knees with his head down, his entire body tightly wrapped in the chains. His arms were chained up in the air, making him unable to move entirely. He seemed to be in a deep sleep, the Solar Disk being visible but almost faded completely. Apep happily went over to him & pat his head without any trouble.

"Isn't it lovely? I've had him here all this time & no one knew! I've kept him all to myself....& I've certainly enjoyed his company. It was so lonely here without him..& I now haven't had a day alone since. It was certainly a pain getting him here like this too..." He stared at him closely, seeing he was still asleep.

Eris wanted to say something but didn't have the courage to speak. Resheph took her hand, "We'll leave you alone....with him...We wouldn't want to interrupt anything...."

Apep looked at them blankly & nodded, "I'll get you later then...By then we'll have a true plan out to execute." Resheph nodded to him & quickly left with Eris, Sekhmet watched them leave then looked back at Apep nervously.

Apep stared at him silently, looking over to the chains on his arms. He went over & started to unravel the chain, quietly humming to himself. Sekhmet watched him, a worried look on her face; she noticed the chains wrapped around her father's body were melting. She looked over to Apep, seeing he was completely oblivious about what was happening.

Apep suddenly got grabbed by the neck & thrown to the floor hard, he yelped & looked up in front of him. Ra was staring dead at him, a pure blank expression on his face. Apep was alittle nervous & almost flustered, he couldn't speak from how strong the grip was on his neck. Ra let go of him & got up, walking away quietly. Apep sat up confused, watching Ra almost stumble over & catch himself against the pillar.

"Oh....Let me help you.." Apep got back up & went over to him, taking his hand & holding it. "Come...You've been asleep for a millennia & need time to now regain yourself." He gently smiled & took him away to a different room. Sekhmet felt like she couldn't stay any longer, she jumped down from the pillar & disappeared.

Ra was quiet, silently sitting on the soft carpeted floor. Apep went over & held a Ochoko in front of him, he looked at him quietly.

"Take it....It has the finest Sake from Nippon in it. My treat to you." Apep smiled, actually trying to stay on his good side. Ra quietly took it, just looking down at the floor.

Apep left him alone for a moment, going behind a divider. "You're being awfully quiet...I understand you just woke up but I'm just surprised..."

Ra kept quiet, he downed the shot of sake & put the cup aside. Apep came up to him & put his hands on his cheeks, making him raise his head up. He was wearing a pure golden robe that looked alittle big for him, it shined & glittered by the Sun Disk's presence. Ra's expression became alittle stern, Apep softly smiled knowing why.

"May I atleast wear it for a day? Hm? Your wardrobe may be alittle big for me...but I'm comfortable. Aren't I atleast flattering in your robe?" He tried to convince him, moving the silk robe off his shoulders.

"𝔜𝔬𝔲 𝔣𝔩𝔞𝔱𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔪𝔢." He replied in a dull tone, he suddenly pulled Apep closer which got him flustered. "You..finally decide to speak I see..." Apep softly laughed but got the air choked out of him when Ra's grip got tighter. "Talk..about being all bite & no bark.." He struggled, a bewildered look in his eyes.

"𝔚𝔥𝔶 𝔡𝔦𝔡 𝔶𝔬𝔲 𝔴𝔞𝔨𝔢 𝔪𝔢." He got close to his face, slowly clawing at his back. Apep gritted his teeth in pain, throwing his head up. He thought about what he should say & grinned, he now looked back at him with a sorrowful look.

"Didn't you hear? You see all, don't you? Your place as Emperor was taken away by force. You could probably guess who did it too...." He had gotten close to his ear, putting his hand on his cheek. "..You can't let him do that to you..." He grinned widely, twisting his words..his vision. Ra listened to him & believed him, he was still vulnerable..still recovering.

Apep grinned, hugging onto him & putting his head on top of his. "I look forward to watching you in this duel..."

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