His Taste

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Apep was behind Horus while he slept, he had taken the appearance of Seth again. He quietly leaned closer to him, his venomous fangs showed & he went to bite Horus's neck.

He felt Horus begin to wake up & quickly disappeared, Horus stretched; his wings fluttering in response. He looked out toward his balcony & saw a sandstorm raging outside, he got up & wrapped his blanket around himself..almost alittle cold. Thoth came in & Horus quickly turned to him, "What's going on? How long has the sandstorm been here?"

Thoth quietly pushed up his glasses & stood next to Horus, "Nut herself told me the sandstorm is covering the entirety of Upper Kemet...It must been Seth's way to drive out of the enemies here...Knowing they won't go down to Lower Kemet either. I suspect the sandstorm appeared at midnight & will continue to rage on...I don't...really know when it will end. Shu nor Tefnut don't really know either." Horus quietly nodded, still feeling cold.

"Why is it....cold? Sandstorms always bring in hot air..." Horus looked at Thoth, alittle worried. Thoth understood why he was concerned, "I believe there's a thunderstorm mixed in with the sandstorm...your uncle is known for bringing freak storms...Remember?" Horus now remembered, almost forgetting about that. They both quietly watched the sandstorm, the sound of thunder followed in the distance.

Seth quietly stood in the middle of the storm, having his true spear in hand. It was pure gold with a red tassel at the end, a falcon feather that was gifted from Horus flew in the raging wind with the silk tassel. Seth stared blankly into the storm, blood on the bottom of his skirt & on the tip of his spear. He listened for a noise.

It was awfully quiet amidst the raging sands.

He still listened....Hearing commotion in the distance. He headed to it, dragging the spear.

He found a few rogues & killed them on the spot, getting blood splattered on his cheek. He took some of the blood off with his thumb & tasted it. "Bitter." He was displeased & kept searching in the storm.

He finds more rogues & kills them, tasting their blood & spits it out unhappily. The process continues & continues until nightfall when he finally rests. He had sat down on the desert floor & curled up in a ball, having his spear right beside him. He was tired...about to fall asleep when he suddenly heard a familiar voice. He jolted awake & turned to it, seeing his wife...She looked around worried. "S-Seth! Why are you all the way out here??"

Seth quickly got up & took his spear over with him, he jabbed it into the ground & put his hands on her shoulders. "No...What are you doing out here?? Go back home! You'll get hurt out here!" He pointed back towards the capital, wanting her to leave immediately but she didn't want to....She hugged onto him tightly, not letting go. "I don't want to go back! I want to be here with you...please!" She looked up at him, she meant her words. He couldn't say no to her so he let her stay. He went to walk off to think but smelt blood, he looked back at Nephthys & saw her tending to her arm...She had a bad cut.

"Dear what happened?" He went back over & examined her wound, it was a deep cut. "A rogue attacked me on my way here...I managed to kill them but...but they got me in return..." She was clearly upset, trying not to cry; she raised her arm up to him. "Can you help me clean it..? Please...?" She shed a tear, quickly wiping it off. Seth looked at her then to her arm, "Yes...But how do you want me to clean it?? You're speaking nonsense..."

Nephthys raised her arm closer to him, a stern but innocent look on her face. "...I want you to lick it off...You've done it before.." She said, speaking the truth. He got alittle embarrassed, forgetting about that. "Yes yes....You're right...I suppose." Seth held her arm but looked away in embarrassment, contemplating on even doing it. He thought hard about it then finally gave in, he licked her arm clean with his eyes closed in unease. He let go of her arm & stepped back, opening his eyes & finding Apep in her place. His glowing eyes were deadly blank, having a sinister grin on his face. "Job well done...I'm proud of you, Setehk. I've always wondered too how someone like you would react to blood of mine in your system."

"How....How could you..." He immediately fell over on his knees, hacking & having a bad coughing fit. He clutched onto his chest, experiencing pain & sickness. He looked up at Apep hazily, feeling like he was about to pass out; Apep took his chin up & stared at him. "Interesting....Your body & state of mind is already reacting well..perhaps it is because you are my direct descendant." He got closer to his face before an arrow suddenly skimmed off his cheek. He immediately jerked back, putting his hand on his cheek while Seth fell back over in pain...The sandstorm was dissipating.

"YOU. OF COURSE IT IS YOU." Apep turned to Horus as he was about to launch another arrow at him. Horus had a stern look on his face, "Leave him alone." He slowly walked closer & Apep snarled, quickly vanishing to get away from him. Once he disappeared, Horus threw his bow down & ran over to Seth. "UNCLE WHAT HAPPENED??"

Seth was slowly falling asleep, he hazily watched as Horus tried to wake him back up & kept asking him questions. "UNCLE! UNCLE!!" He soon fell asleep, Horus realized & got quiet. "Dammit...." He looked up to the sky..The night sky had cleared & showed the glowing full moon. Horus sighed & slowly picked up Seth by his arm, he rested him against his back & slowly headed home; he shielded them both from the cold air with his wings..He knew Seth was perfectly fine without much warmth but he himself definitely needed it.

Horus had a long way ahead of him back home & he had forgotten how heavy Seth was. He was already getting cold & tired but pressed on.

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