Fate & Its Strings

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"Horus, dear you awake?"

He sat up, rubbing his eyes to fully wake up. "Hm?" He was older, more mature. He still looked just like his father. He looked as Isis hesitantly looked outside...seeing it was safe."Today is the day for your revenge...Your father, even though he's now in the Duat will be proud of you."

"But...But mom-" Isis hushed him, going over & putting her hand on his cheek. "Don't worry...It'll all go according to plan." She softly smiled, Horus stared at her in disbelief...he never wanted to do this.

The two headed into the square, disguised as humans. Isis looked completely normal but Horus was covered with a cloak, they both headed into a secluded building & down its stairs...it was a black market. Horus didn't want this. Isis brought him over to a quiet spot & took the cloak off of him. Horus didn't want this.

Horus looked like a rich slave, he was adorn with gold & red jewels but also very shady clothing to appease the buyers. Horus didn't want this. Isis stared at him for a moment, knowing he wasn't happy. She went to comfort him but he jerked away from her. "Why...Of all plans...Why something like this?" He asked her quietly.

"It's to get our life back. So you can take your father's plac-" "WHAT IF I NEVER WANTED IT." He snapped back at her. "Horus..my son please." She went to comfort him but he slapped her hand away. He stood up, putting the cloak back on. "I just want to get this over with...So you can have YOUR lifestyle back." He stormed off, leaving Isis by herself. Horus didn't want this.

The auction was about to start & Isis stayed in the crowd, watching a certain buyer closely. Slaves in chains were put in the front one by one, Horus being the last. The slaves were then shown off one by one, all being beautiful men & women adorn in gold or silver to appease these rich or dirty buyers. Lastly, Horus was shown off & it shocked the crowd. The only thing his human appearance couldn't hide was his white hair & silver eyes, he saw Isis in the crowd & looked away in shame. Horus was then sold on the spot by the buyer Isis watched closely, she smiled...her plan going right into action. Horus didn't want this.

It was midnight. Horus was brought to the capital of Heliopolis...where the gods lived. His home. He was back home but it was...different & he knew exactly why. He was pushed & yanked through the temple, the chains on his neck & wrists were starting to hurt.

He was thrown down into a bedroom & he looked around, faintly remembering it.
"...uncle...." He said very quietly, he heard something by the balcony of the room & looked; sitting himself up. Seth was there, staring at the night sky; he looked over...his golden-red eyes shined in the pure darkness of the room..He still looked the exact same. "They don't learn. Do they?" He now seemed upset, he sighed & rolled his eyes heading over to Horus. He lifted his chin & looked at him closely, "You remind me of someone." Horus's eyes widened, worried but also seemed happy for once. "But that...doesn't really matter." Seth stood back up & walked away, Horus put his head down in disbelief.

"I don't understand these....humans. They keep thinking I want slaves....I don't....It doesn't really satisfy me. Not like how it used to....It's.....It's ridiculous." He poured a glass of bitter wine & chugged it. He headed back over to Horus & took the chains off of him; Horus felt relief but was confused. "Why unchain me...?" He asked softly, not wanting him to recognize his voice. "It's unnecessary. These humans think I want it but I don't." He went over & took another shot of the wine, clearly getting dizzy. Horus remembered that was another part of the plan...spiking the wine.

"Please get..comfortable I guess." Seth replied, going back over to the balcony. Horus hesitantly went over & got on the bed, patiently waiting. He thought about all of this for a moment. Horus didn't want this. He looked down at himself then over to Seth whom was clearly getting drunk, Seth had his head in his hands..trying to keep himself awake. "Do you...need help?" Horus quietly asked. "No...I'm fine." Seth glanced back at him, "I just....I just need to sleep this off."

"Then come over. Please." Horus pat his hand on the bed. Seth went over & fell onto the bed, he got closer to him & wrapped his arms around his waist; resting his head on his legs. Horus now felt ashamed, not wanting to do this anymore. "Uncle-" He then realized Seth finally fell asleep & sighed, he had hid a dagger in between the red cloth on his ankle & went to grab it but stopped. He looked at Seth as he heard him starting to cry & whimper in his sleep, Horus felt terrible...not wanting to go with the plan anymore. He tried to comfort him.

Horus woke up, finding himself stuck in one spot. Seth had wrapped himself around him in his sleep. Horus tried to move but couldn't, he tried to sit up but failed; he quietly grunted in discomfort...feeling trapped. He looked toward the balcony & saw the sun was going to rise soon. That was the plan....take him out before the sun rose...That is what Isis said. Horus realized that & got alittle worried, trying to move away from Seth but he didn't budge. After a few tries he finally managed to get up & realized too his human form had finally faded overnight, he quickly tried to hide his wings but nothing was working.

Horus looked over to see Seth was waking up so he quickly covered himself with one of the spare blankets & got back in bed like nothing happened. Seth sat up & put his hand on his face, trying to wake himself up more. Horus was worried..knowing he would get caught any moment now.

But nothing happened. Seth got up & got himself dressed into his uniform, he soon left the room. Horus quickly sat up after the door closed & saw much better clothes waiting for him at the end of the bed. He debated weither or not Seth knew it was actually him or just a slave that was brought to him to make him happy.

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