Wolf In Sheep's Clothing

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"Horus...Get up." He was softly shaken awake & found Seth in front of him. "Sleep well?"

"I...I did..yes." Horus looked around, still waking up. "Where are we?" He went to get up but Seth pushed him back down. "That's not important....What's more important to me is that you are safe." He got closer to his face, softly smiling. "You understand that....Don't you?"

Horus looked away, alittle flustered. "I do but-" He immediately turned back to Seth, seeing he had taken his hand & rested it on his cheek. "W-WHAT ARE YOU DOING??" He yelled, his face turning red. "What do you think..? This is what you've always wanted, am I correct nephew?"

Horus was too flustered to reply to him, he tried to get his hand away but couldn't. Wait. Nephew? He rarely calls me....that..name. Horus started to realize what was going on, he got worried. Seth got even closer to him & Horus tried to push him away, "Stop! Stop it please!" He still tried to get him away but Seth didn't stop, he took his arm & kissed it up & down continuously. He went to go for his neck but Horus put his hand on his face. "S-Stop...STOP! APEP STOP IT!!" He screamed at him, scared. He had looked away, covering his face with his hands.

Apep shifted back to normal, somewhat glaring at Horus now. Horus kept his head in his hands, slightly shaking. "How could you....How could you look like him...to try to appease me...." Apep stared at him, he went to speak but suddenly had a dagger to his neck. He now saw Horus staring dead at him, shedding a tear. "Oh...? Have you suddenly, finally matured? It's about time...You had forgotten how for the last 10 years.....You make yourself seem just like him.." Apep leaned closer to him, the dagger almost puncturing his neck.

"TAKE ME BACK HOME." Horus held onto the dagger tightly, his hands slightly shaking in anger. Apep lowered the dagger from his neck, "You've got some nerve talking to me like that young man." Apep suddenly got thrown against the wall, Horus was suddenly in front of him having his hands wrapped tightly around his neck. "YOU CANNOT KILL ME! WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING." Apep said to him, snarling.

Horus was dead quiet, a shadow over his face. Apep stared at him surprised as his wings casted a shadow over them both. Horus's left eye was still gone but it was somehow shining gold. "...Oh...You've really got some nerve on you...." Apep replied, still snarling at him.

Apep threw Horus down in the throne room of the capital. "I didn't realize how much of a nuisance you were until now. Get out of my sight." Apep turned away & vanished. Isis immediately ran into the room & hugged Horus tightly, she was unbelievably worried about him. "Oh my gods! You're okay! I was so worried about you! Had you really been stuck with Apep this whole time??"

"Mother...I'm okay I'm okay." He took her hands, softly smiling at her. He looked around alittle confused. "Where's Uncle Seth?" Isis now looked annoyed & cleared her throat, "He's...He's afar on a mission. Some rogue gods are wanting to invade our home so he's going to take care of it."

Horus nodded, alittle sad he was gone. He thought about something & quickly looked back at her, "W-What happened with the tournament??" He put his hands on her shoulders in a hurry. "I-I....How do I explain this.....You became disqualified when Apep took you away.....So Seth was declared the winner....But..He didn't want to see you nor I exiled so we still have our godhood. He's....He's too kind for what he did."

Horus quietly nodded. "But...Everything..Everything is still in order? He isn't corrupt as he was before?" Isis nodded, sighing of relief. "Yes. He's perfectly fine...Balance is in order with his help."

They both talked to eachother in the meantime, Apep was watching from a distance...glaring. He had another plan in mind...He soon vanished.

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