19 . On The Way

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Once at the house, Felix knew right away that Minho was here. The place was a mess like some wild animal got trapped in here, or maybe it wasn't Minho and it was that other guy and... No it had to be Minho and he must have gotten angry when he didn't find Hyunjin here...

"Oh no .. he must be thinking that I tricked him or worse.."

Felix whispered to himself grabbing on his hair as he watched his little apartment in a mess. Chairs were thrown to the side and the tables turned upside like it was too thrown away.. he watched all this and didn't move or try to fix anything, just the fear of what Minho might be thinking is all what's in his head till Changbin grabbed him turning him to face him. Felix can see him talking but he couldn't hear what he was saying, he was scared...

"We have to call the police and make sure that nothing was taken... or no ... don't touch anything."

Felix snapped out of his fear and shook his head quickly

"No no... It's okay..."

"It's okay!! How is that okay? Your place has been raided and you're saying it's okay"

"Cause I know who did it so calm down... I just hope it was him not the other one."

"You mean the wizard."

"Don't call him that.. and yes.. he probably came and got angry when he didn't find Hyunjin.."

"The star."

Changbin said and crossed his arms nodding trying to act like he do believe his friend and his fairytale but Felix can tell how Changbin not believing him so he quietly moved away fixing the chairs back into place and quickly Changbin was helping him with the rest of the mess. They worked in silence both lost in their own thoughts.

Felix was afraid that whoever did that is actually the bad guy and that made him happy about taking Hyunjin away but if it was Minho, the consequences really scared him...

"So you actually want me to believe that a wizard and a star is what we dealing with... a star ... a star Felix.."

Felix sighed dropping on his bed covering his face with his hands

"So the wizard part is okay with you? Just the star part is what makes you doubt the whole thing."

Changbin opened his mouth to say something but didn't, Felix is right.. both doesn't make sense... a star a wizard and energy chains... it felt like a game more than real life...

"Everything doesn't make sense and I'm trying to believe you cause... but come on Felix do you really think any of us will believe this.. I know you like the boy and hell I started to do too but to make you believe such stories is... it's just.."


A shout echoed through the place jolting Felix on his feet and Changbin turning around himself with his hands clenched into fists ready to take on whoever in the apartment with them... but there was no one.. for a moment the place was empty till suddenly a shadow started moving out of no where taking the form of an angry man, his face was red with anger and his eyes black as coal..

Changbin took steps away from the figure in shook as he watched him moving towards Felix in anger and dark fumes surrounding his body...


Minho angrily grabbed Felix by his collar dragging him off the bed. Felix was in shock that he didn't know what to say, the fear inside him was paralyzing. It felt like Minho was burning him from inside... Changbin snapped out of his shock and tried to go help Felix from whoever that specter was but Minho was quicker and sent him flying to the other end of the place..

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