23 . Risk it all

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It took a few moments for Hyunjin to remember where he was. He didn't move though he kept scanning the empty room around him till he stopped his gaze at Seungmin who looked asleep on a chair in the other end of the room.

The door was away from Seungmin but also away from Hyunjin where he laid on the floor. Risking running to the door and getting caught or risk staying here and see what this guy wants from him. Hyunjin's mind was foggy so many thoughts and so little at the same time, he wished to remember anything, no matter how small or little, anything to help know if he should trust this guy or not. Anything.

"I know what you're thinking. I understand your confusion but I think trusting me is your only option now."
Seungmin spoke in a gentle voice without opening his eyes
"Trust me and I will help you."

Hyunjin sat up resting his back to the wall and looked at Seungmin, he was really confused.
"How can you ask me to trust you when you kidnapped me?"
"You asked me to untie you and I did. The door isn't locked Hyunjin. You can go if you want."
Seungmin sat straight on his chair looking at Hyunjin.
"I just wanted a chance to tell you the truth and help you. But if you don't trust me, then I can't help you."
Seungmin looked sad, Hyunjin can see that, his voice low and sad, his eyes gentle on him, but..
"I don't know you to trust you."
Hyunjin said staring back at him
"You beat your friend up.. and you want me to trust you."
"It was stupid but he was going to let Minho get you. You don't want that... besides..."
Seungmin smirked standing up and walking slowly towards Hyunjin
"You say you don't know me... what do you know Hyunjin, hm? Do you know anything."
He still spoke in gentle voice but his eyes and smirk gave chills to Hyunjin who stared up at him silently .

"You don't know who is lying to you or who is using you. You don't know if I'm the bad or the good guy.. you don't know if those humans are helping you out cause of the kindness of their hearts or they know the real you and want to use you... you don't even know if you are a human or a sorcerer or just a fragment of someone's memory that he can't let go.. you don't know if I told you the truth yesterday or was I lying.. you don't know who you really are and who we really are.."
Seungmin kneeled in front of Hyunjin still keeping his smirk
"So tell me... what do you really know."

Hyunjin didn't have anything to say, it was true, he doesn't know anything. He doesn't know who he really is? Or who is this Minho or Seungmin or Jeongin? He doesn't know anything about Chan and the others? He doesn't know Minho and yet longs for him even with everyone warning him about him. He doesn't know anything.

He was at their mercy..
lying to him, using him ...

but who is he to really worth all these lies?

"I'll go get us something to eat, then we will talk some more to find a way to go back to our world.. and there it will be over. You will remember everything. You will be you again Hyunjin."
Seungmin stood up and went out without another word, Hyunjin can here the door being locked and Seungmin's footsteps fading away. He was trapped after all. He was always trapped in his mind getting trapped in a room isn't a big deal now.

Even if he doesn't remember or know anything. Something inside of him is screaming to never trust Seungmin and wanting to be with Chan again l. He doesn't know either of them but he can easily tell who he wants to trust.

"Is it working?"
Minho looked at the door where he heard Felix's question. Was it working? He doesn't know.
He looked back down at the mess of herbs in front of him and shook his head.
Felix came in and put a glass full with an orangey drink in front of Minho
"Drink this... you haven't eaten or drank anything since you locked yourself in here."
Minho eyed the glass and didn't try to reach for it even if Felix is right and he has been in this musty room for hours trying different spells on the bloody earth he found and they all failed. He was ready to give up if only he has another way to find Hyunjin.

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