14 . Lies

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Felix stayed frozen in place beside the bed, he was waiting for anything to happen, for Minho to show up again or maybe Hyunjin waking up, anything... anything but opening the door to find who is outside. Felix knows it's not Chan or Minho would have let him in so it's most likely be Changbin and that is last person he wants to see right now.

Changbin finding Hyunjin here will not be easy to explain knowing how Changbin is blaming him for everything... well... it's true, but still he didn't mean to do anything, it's that thing inside him and Felix knows that now but how to explain it, it's the hardest part. Minho really screwed him over with this.

Felix watched Hyunjin for a moment longer then went to the door opening it... it really is Changbin.

"Hey. Why's your door locked?"

And it's a fair question. Their doors are always open for each other so this was new to Felix.

"It's late. It's normal to lock it."

Changbin remained by the door watching Felix as he kept the door almost closed with his body.

"You don't want me in."

"It's late and I'm really tired. And I know why you here and what are we going to talk about... and really I don't want to do this now. So please we can do that tomorrow."

Changbin remained watching him then crossed his arms to his chest

"You found him didn't you?"

Felix wanted to lie but he nodded

"He's here isn't he?"

Again he just nodded, Changbin tried to walk in but Felix stopped him pushing him out trying not to be hard on his friend

"Not now Binnie... please I'll tell you everything tomorrow but not now. He's sick and really hurt so please... for me... tomorrow."

Changbin kept his gaze  on the door wishing it to be gone so he can just enter. He can push Felix and push his way into his apartment but he didn't wanted to. Felix really looked sad and disturbed, he hated seeing his friend like that, and he didn't wanted to make it worse.

"What if he hurts you?"

"He won't."

"That's exactly what you guys said back at the café and look what happened."

"No... I mean it wasn't him. I know now."

"Who did this.... Tell me Felix if you are so certain it wasn't him, then who did it."

"Tomorrow.. I'll tell you tomorrow with Chan cause he needs to know too."

Changbin wasn't really convinced but he hated seeing Felix this sad, he was worried but he didn't wanted to cause anything to Felix.

"I can't let you be here alone with him. I can't."

"And I can't let you in knowing that you will be hard on him and maybe even hurt him... No Binnie please leave."

It took too much silence between them till finally Changbin sighed

"I won't."


"Yes... I won't talk to him till we talk first. But I need to be here to make sure you are safe."

Felix was hesitant for a bit but he trusted his friend, if he said he won't hurt Hyunjin, then he really won't.

Slowly Felix opened the door more letting in his friend, Changbin walked in and saw Hyunjin on the bed, it really took a lot of self control not to jump him and drag him out of Felix's place and their lives, but he didn't. He just stared for a moment then went to take a seat on the couch.

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