21 . Find Him

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Darkness and anger is all that filled Minho as he ran through the trees. His mind buzzing with the need to set the whole woods into flames, what's stopping him was the fear of hurting Hyunjin too but as for the rest, he wanted to see them suffer for their doings.

The betrayal of his friend felt like it was the worst to ever happen to him. Felt like thousands knives were stabbing him in the back ... but now... he knew what's worse than that. His brother's betrayal was something he never thought he would know. His little brother, the one he had risked so many things for him. He gave up on everything only to make his brother get everything he wanted.

His brother's betrayal was the lethal knife to his weakened heart. But he can't let it Break him now, he will use it to fuel his anger to get his revenge on all of them before giving in to his fate.

Minho's eyes scanned everything as he ran, he was never good at tracking without the use of his power, so he let it guide him through to anything out of the ordinary.


Is what he picked up and it made him feral scenting both Hyunjin's and Jeongin's blood. He ran faster till he found him.

He kneeled down beside his motionless body scanning him before daring to touch him fearing the worst.


Minho slowly reached his hand to his brother's head raising it checking the big cut across his forehead.

"Hey... I said I'll be the one to kill you idiot."

Carefully Minho picked Jeongin up hugging him tightly to his chest, he knows he's not dead just banged up badly.

"It's okay. I'll fix it. Don't worry Innie."

Minho may not be a healer like his brother but he's well aware of using his energy to heal others if he wanted. The only set back of it is that it will weaken him more since it will take of his own energy to heal them. But Minho won't mind, still for his little brother he will risk it.

Minho closed his eyes holding his brother tightly letting his energy flow between them. All he has to do is give Jeongin energy enough to wake and heal himself.

The numbing sensation of his energy leaving him was getting him hazy and dizzy. But he can't rest now, Hyunjin was still out there. He has to find him.


Jeongin voice came low and shaky.

Minho let go of his breath that he was holding in fear and looked down at his brother

"Heal yourself"

Is all he said and closed his eyes again but this time he wasn't trying to heal him, he was reading through his memories of the last few days.

"I'm sorry."

Is all Jeongin kept repeating as he cried trying to hold on Minho more. He knows now the truth but it was too late.

The last thing he saw was Seungmin chasing after Hyunjin, that's when he knew he has lost everything.

"I'm sorry."

Minho let go of him standing up almost falling down dizzy and weakened

"Don't talk to me"
"Minho I'm sorry.. I just..."

Jeongin tried to say anything but he stopped and watched Minho looking around them. He knows Minho, talking to him now is useless and he knows he fucked up, he let doubt take over his mind and heart that he lost not only his brother but his best friends too.. both of them.. He lost Seungmin the moment he knew he was a liar and lost Hyunjin when he was stupid enough to believe the other... he was definitely alone.

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