4 . Darkness

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The night was quiet and peaceful...

Chan laying on his bed watching outside his room waiting for anything to happen. He wasn't afraid of Hyunjin, the boy looked so small and harmless despite his tall legs which made him taller than Chan who was 5 years older if the boy is actually 20 like the hospital statement... so it wasn't about the boy, it was more about that feeling that's lingering inside his head with the mystery of the whole situation.

Chan doesn't know why he feel responsible for the boy despite not knowing him, maybe he reminded him of his little brother or maybe he did what he hoped anyone would do for him if the tables were turned. Either way he felt responsible and it was too late to take it back even with this guy's warning.. what does it mean anyway?

If this Minho knew Hyunjin why didn't he say it, why hide it? If he didn't know him why was he warning him?

Does it show that the boy doesn't know anything about his past and Minho wanted to take advantage of it, since he said it was flirting... still doesn't make sense.

Did he wanted Chan to kick the boy out and then he take him... still doesn't make sense.

Clearly Hyunjin didn't know him and clearly he didn't feel safe around him some how, but why was he trusting Chan...

so many questions and no answers at all... they all plagued Chan's mind as he tried to sleep.

It was a quiet night...

A gasp broke out its silence... Chan sat up in his bed and listened to what it was, its definitely the boy, a nightmare maybe, should he go to him, or should he stay and give the boy privacy, he doesn't need someone unknown to him breathing down his neck.

Before Chan got to a decision he saw the boy's figure walking in the living room clearly heading toward the stairs. Chan waited and watched the boy going downstairs.. maybe he's hungry or thirsty... but the sound of the door open downstairs answered his questions...

the boy was leaving.

The darkness, the pain and falling into emptiness. Like every night that Hyunjin remembers. Nothing more than the feeling of lost in a well of darkness, he wanted out, he wanted to see the light, he wanted to be found...

That's how he found himself standing in the yard again watching the trees surrounded by darkness and silence, the sky was clear but there was no moon to shine and the stars looked so small and far away... quietness... stillness... darkness... he wanted to be found and taken to the light.

Hyunjin stood and watched the trees swaying with the wind, it was cold and he can feel it ruffling through his hair and caressing his skin with it's cold breeze, it filled him more with despair.

"Are you okay?"

Chan spoke with a soft tone from behind him so he won't startle the boy, but the boy didn't even turn to him.
"I know how you feel..."
"actually... I can't even imagine how you feel... sorry..."
Chan didn't move any closer, giving the boy a space to feel safer, whatever the nightmare was, it definitely frightened the boy.

"But... I can understand how you feel... feeling alone maybe... feeling scared... feeling lost and sad... I can understand these feelings. We all feel them in our own ways."

"...Are you lost too..."

Hyunjin voice was a whisper that was lost in the wind but Chan heard him and took one step closer.

"Sometimes... I get the feeling of not belonging. I know it's not the same but... it sometimes feel like that..."
"I don't belong."
"You will... once you get your memories back, you will."

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