1 . Lost & Found

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"Come on... check my post, and tell me what you think... It took me a long time to decide on which photo to use."

Chan whined over the phone to Felix as he kept organizing the tables for the fifth time around his little café

"Yea .. cause I'm the best photographer.. wait I'll check."
Felix laughed

"Just check and be honest.. this post will be my first advertisement for my café.. I need this to work."

"Wait okay."

Chan looked around the organized tables and the plants trying to see if anything out of place, but to his eyes everything looked good.. well it's his fifth try so it definitely had to be good.

He really wanted this to work..

"You look so handsome.. and the café looks sunny and cozy"

"Is that a good thing?"

Felix laughed again "yes definitely"

Chan smiled proud of his little place although it hasn't started working yet.

"Thanks man.. I really trust your opinion about it cause you enjoy being out.. and the whole idea is an outdoor café .. so thanks again "

"Why are you thanking me? I really mean it and I think it will be a great place. All you have to do now is make sure your menu is perfect.. you're good with drinks but I think you need more."

Chan nodded walking back into his kitchen
"You mean baked stuff or desserts.. yea but it's not that easy you know."

Chan's café was a little two floored cottage that stood between the town and the woods surrounding it, it wasn't a wild woods or anything, in fact it was a camping place and a lot of nature lovers enjoyed hiking through it, that's when Chan's café came into existence.. there was nothing to offer drinks or a comfy place for those hikers except in the town and that was a little far..
So when Chan inherited this cottage from his grandparents the idea was starting to build up.. the place was too big for him and he enjoyed his work in cafes while in college.. so why not make one, a special one away from the noise of the town.. it took him a year and a half to turn the place into an outdoor café, using the first floor and the front yard for it while keeping the second floor for himself to live in.

It was a dream that was coming true with the help of his friends and he was very grateful especially to Felix who stood by him every step of the way, despite being two years younger than him but he proved his worth and loyalty in so many ways..

"I can come today if you want.."
Felix said but quickly was interrupted by Chan
"No.. you need to study. Besides I have nothing to do I'll just relax and go through some paperwork.."

As they went on talking Chan stopped by the window facing the back yard and saw something moving through the tree lines, the café hasn't started working yet but sometimes Chan wouldn't mind offering something to drink if he saw a worn out hiker or a camper.

But what came out of the woods was something unexpected

"Felix.. someone just came out of the woods.."
"So.. what's new?"
"This isn't a normal sight.. the guy is.."

Chan took a moment to examine what he's seeing.. it was a young man with baggy clothes, he looked like a mess but what was more weird was the way the young man walked and looked around, he looked like he was out of place, that's the nicest words Chan decided to use..

"You mean on drugs.. just say it"
Felix said with a worried tone after Chan described the young man
"Maybe I don't know.. he looks like ... lost or something."
"People don't get lost in our woods.. that's definitely a drugged homeless guy and you shouldn't interact with him or he won't stop bothering you every day.. Chan I'm serious be mean this once and ignore him."

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