Chapter 1 - Farewell and Encounter

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Chie Pov:

"Chie, get up! Ang laki mo na pero ang hirap mo pa rin gisingin." Eto na naman ang bunganga ni Mommy. Ang aga-aga, puro sermon.

"I'm going down na po in 3 minutes." I get up fast and wash my face, admiring myself again. "Ang galing gumawa ni Mommy at Daddy. Sana ganito rin maging anak ko."

While going down, I saw one of Mommy's officemate's sons sitting beside her. "Feeling close, that's my spot, man." Ipapakilala na naman ako sa mga garapal na 'to, for sure.

"Good morning, Mi. Who is he?" I asked and looked not interested at all.

"He's Rian, and he has three degrees. Why don't you introduce yourself to him, anak?"

What kind of degrees? Third-degree burn? "Ma, I'm not interested, okay? I know what you're thinking. I lost my appetite. Excuse me."

"Chie Jimena Cuenca, don't you dare disrespect me!" My mom shouted at the top of her lungs. So noisy. I didn't dare to look back and locked myself in my room. Ano ba gusto niyang palabasin? Pwede niya akong ipamigay kung kani-kanino lang? No way!

A couple of hours passed, and I finally had the courage to go down and talk to my mom.

Knock knock "Ma, I'm sorry about earlier. You know I hate it, but you still keep pushing me to random guys." She didn't answer me; she just looked disappointed.

It's the same feeling when I was still a student-my greatest fear: the look of disappointment.

"You're not getting younger. Go and get married. That's all I want, Chie." I sighed. Here we go again, talking about marriage.

"I'm not ready, Ma. Ayaw ko pumasok sa ganyan. It's a lifetime commitment." I just don't want to get married. My mom and dad got divorced, so yeah, she can't convince me.

After we talked, I packed some clothes, ready to travel again! By the way, I'm Chie Jimena Cuenca, 24 years old.

Outfit check, I'm wearing a black Adidas track jacket with white stripes on the sleeves, light-wash wide-leg jeans, and black sneakers. Should i dye my hair what color kaya would suit me. Nvm I'll let it stay black for the meantime.

I was about to leave, but I forgot where I put my keys

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I was about to leave, but I forgot where I put my keys. Why am I so forgetful?

"Nanay Fe, did you see my keys? I need them ASAP."

I'm gonna be late. Where the heck are they? Come on, baby.

"Nak, nandito sa table mo." I remembered I put them there before I took a shower. Thank God Nanay Fe is here.

FYI, Nanay Fe is like a second mother to me. She has taken care of me almost my entire life, more than my own mother, but I'm thankful for both of them.

At the Airport

I saw my group of friends waiting for me. Nakakainis it's making me sad. My feelings are mixed with excitement and sadness.

"Well, I guess this is it, guys. Group hug nga." We hug each other as if we'll never see each other again

"You'll be back before you know it. Just don't forget about us," Ashy says, the most nonchalant of the group, pero ang oa ngayon

"Don't be too dramatic. I'll bring you guys lots of pasalubong" seeing their faces light up like kids after ko sabihin 'yon mga isip bata

After all the chit-chat, they hug me one by one. Raya whispers, "Take care, Chie. Mamimiss ko katarantaduhan mo." She's joking, but I'm the most matino one in the group

Airport Announcer: "Last call for flight 205 to New York. All passengers, please proceed to gate 12."

"That's my flight. I'll go ahead. Bye, guys!"

I'm almost at the gate when I accidentally bump into someone. As I look up, I can't help but notice the person's fit and toned body, but before I can see her face, the stranger speaks up

(Smirking) "Done checking me out?"

"Uh, I wasn't... I mean, sorry, I didn't see you there. I should get going." gusto ko lang naman umalis, bakit ang daming balakid

"I'm sorry, miss. I should get going." I continue towards the gate, my heart pounding from the unexpected encounter. I glance back briefly but don't catch another glimpse of the stranger's face

Finally, I find my seat, 17A, by the window. As I stow my carry-on in the overhead compartment, I can't stop thinking about my friends and the emotional goodbye at the airport, and also the sexy woman I bumped into. I sit down, fasten my seatbelt, and take a deep breath to calm my nerves

Flight Attendant: (over the intercom) "Ladies and gentlemen, we are now ready for takeoff. Please ensure your seatbelts are fastened and your seatbacks and tray tables are in the upright position."

As the plane gains speed and lifts off, I watch the ground fall away, replaced by a blanket of clouds. The cityscape below becomes smaller until it disappears entirely

Halfway through the flight, the plane suddenly shudders, jolting me from my thoughts. I look around, noticing the concerned expressions of the other passengers

Pilot: (over the intercom, voice calm but strained) "Ladies and gentlemen, we are experiencing some technical difficulties. Please remain calm and seated with your seatbelts fastened."

A sense of dread washes over me as the plane starts to descend quickly. The overhead compartments rattle, and the oxygen masks drop down in front of us. My heart races, and I fumble to put the mask on, my hands shaking

I grab my phone with trembling fingers and quickly type a message to my friends: "I love you all so much. Thank you for everything."

The plane keeps descending, and the engine noise grows louder. People around me are crying and praying, holding onto each other. I close my eyes and think about my family and friends. Their faces flash before me, and I hold onto the memories of them

The plane shakes violently, and I feel a sudden, sharp drop. My heart pounds in my chest, and tears stream down my face. I clutch the armrest, praying for a miracle, hoping that we'll somehow make it through this

In those final moments, I think about all the things I wanted to do, all the dreams I had yet to chase. I never even said how much I love my mother. I'm sorry, Ma.

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