Chapter 9 - Unspoken

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⚠️Content Warning⚠️: This chapter contains sensitive material depicting self-harm, including graphic descriptions and depictions of physical injury. The scenes may be distressing or triggering for some readers. Reader discretion is strongly advised. It's important to prioritize your mental well-being, so please proceed with caution and consider skipping this chapter if you find the subject matter potentially harmful. If you or someone you know is struggling with self-harm or any other mental health issue, please seek support from a trusted friend, family member, or mental health professional. Remember, you are not alone, and help is available. Take care of yourself.

Chie Pov:

I slumped down onto the couch, burying my face in my hands, trying to process everything that had happened.

Just as I was lost in my thoughts, the door opened, and Rachel walked in. Her eyes were red from crying. "Oh, ano iniiyak-iyak mo diyan, ikaw pa mas broken sakin, ah."

She didn't say anything, just walked over and sat down next to me.

"Chie" she said softly, placing a hand on my shoulder. "Are you okay?"

"No, I'm not." I admitted, I spoke with a trembling voice.

"I-I thought Zara and I had something special. But now she's engaged to someone else."

"Assuming ka kasi e, recently mo lang naman siya nakilala." she replied.

"E mahal ko na siya e, may magagawa ka ba?" I replied, frustration evident in my voice.

Rachel sighed, pulling me into a gentle hug.

"Bakit namumula yang mata mo?" tanong ko pero iniiwasan niya lang ako. Hindi pa siya comfortable mag-sabi and it's okay.


When Lolo Emilio and Madam Imelda finally arrived home, the house was already enveloped in an unusual quiet.

They found us in the kitchen, sitting at the table with cups of coffee in our hands. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee filled the air, mingling with the quiet hum of the refrigerator.

"Rachel, Chie, bakit kayo umalis ng event nang ganun na lang?" Lolo Emilio asked, gusto niyang magalit pero chose to be gentle.

Madam Imelda, following close behind, appeared just as confused. "Oo nga, anong nangyari? Everyone was wondering where you two went." she added, her eyes scanning our faces for any clues.

We exchanged a quick glance, silently agreeing not to share the details just yet. Instead, we both took a sip of our coffee, the silence stretching awkwardly between us.

Lolo Emilio frowned. "Anak, may problema ba?" he asked, his voice softening with concern.

Madam Imelda looked at us both with a mix of sympathy and confusion. "Well, if you need anything, nandito lang kami. Alam niyo naman yan" she said gently.

Lolo Emilio nodded, though his worry was evident. "Just remember, whatever it is, hindi kayo nag-iisa. We're here for you."

Look how lucky my mom is. Sana ganito ka rin, Ma, when I tried to kill myself, but instead you just slapped me and made me want to hate myself more.



I was seventeen, sitting on the cold bathroom floor, tears streaming down my face. The world felt impossibly dark, and the suffocating weight of my depression had driven me to the edge. My hands trembled as I held the razor blade, the only thought in my mind was to end the pain.

In that moment of despair, my mother had found me. Her eyes had widened in horror as she took in the scene before her. She rushed to my side, snatching the blade from my hands.

"Anong ginagawa mo?!" she screamed, her voice a mix of panic and anger.

I looked up at her, my vision blurred by tears. "Ma, hindi ko na kaya." I whispered, my voice breaking. "Pagod na akong maging perpekto mong anak! I just want the pain to stop."

Instead of the comforting words I had desperately needed, my mother slapped me across the face. The sharp sting of her hand against my cheek jolted me out of my numbness, and I stared at her in shock.

"Ang drama mo!" she yelled, her eyes blazing with anger.

"This is not the solution. Get up and stop this nonsense!"

Her words cut deeper than any blade ever could. In that moment, I felt utterly alone, my mother's harsh reaction making me hate myself even more. I had reached out for help, only to be met with rejection and anger.

End of Flashback

"Being here could help heal some of those old wounds" Mom turned her head in my direction. "May sinasabi ka ba?"

I just shook my head, signaling 'no'.

The clock on the wall ticked steadily, the only sounTd breaking the stillness of the night. It was well past midnight, but neither of us felt ready to sleep.

"Ano ba kayo? It's past midnight, and you two are still up? May pasok pa kayo bukas!" we startled by the sudden yellof madam imelda

"Sorry po, ma" Rachel said, her voice contrite. "hindi namin napansin ang oras."

Madam Imelda crossed her arms. "I know there's a lot on your minds, pero kailangan niyo rin ng pahinga. Hindi niyo magagawa ang mga kailangan niyong gawin kung pagod kayo."

I nodded, feeling the weight of her words. "Tama po kayo, We'll go to bed now.Good night." umakyat na kami

We almost forgot may pasok pa pala kami bukas ahhh!!! Ipagdasal ko nalang na magising ng maaga.


The morning sun filtered through the curtains, casting a soft glow across my room. I stretched, feeling the weight of last night's events still heavy on my shoulders. The house was quiet, a stark contrast to the whirlwind of emotions I had experienced.

I decided to get up and head downstairs, hoping a cup of coffee might clear my head. As I reached the kitchen, I found Rachel already there, stirring her cup absently, lost in thought. ano nanaman kaya nasa isip neto.

"Good morning, aga mo nagising" I greeted.

Rachel looked up, her eyes tired but warm. "Good morning, Chie. Did you sleep well?"

I shrugged, pouring myself a cup of coffee. "As well as can be expected, I guess."

"You both should get ready for school." lolo said out of nowhere.

"opo, we'll get ready." rachel said and went upstairs kaya sumunod na rin ako.


"Hindi na ba tayo mag papaalam sakanila?" paalis na kami ng mansion

"Wag na, gusto mo ba ulit umakyat ng hagdan ha?" I shook my head in disagreement.

We got into the car and drove to school in silence, each of us lost in our thoughts. As we pulled into the parking lot, I took a deep breath, ready to face whatever the day would bring.

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