Chapter 6 - Twists of Fate

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Chie Pov:

Today was my first day at school with Rachel, and I wasn't quite sure what to expect.

As I got dressed, I thought about how surreal this all was—attending school in the 1980s with my mother, who was now just a teenager like me. I took a deep breath, determined to make the most of this unique experience.

Rachel was waiting for me downstairs, looking as beautiful as ever. "Ready to go?" she asked with a smile. Despite the initial shock and confusion, she had been surprisingly supportive.

"Ready" I replied, grabbing my bag. "Let's go."

Magpaalam sana kami kaso they already left. "Well, masanay ka na lilitaw lulubog yan."

Rachel and I were getting ready to head to school. As we walked through the mansion, Rachel mentioned she had something to show me.

"Chie, have you seen the garage yet?" she asked with a grin.

"Garage? No, I haven't" I replied, excitement in my voice. Kailanganin ko ata ng 3 araw para malibot tong mansion niyo e.

"Tara, I'll show you. We have a bit of time before we need to leave."

We walked to a part of the mansion I hadn’t explored yet. Rachel pulled out a key and unlocked a large wooden door, revealing a staircase leading down to what appeared to be a basement. My curiosity grew with each step we took until we reached the bottom and Rachel pushed open another door.

I gasped as the door swung open, revealing a massive garage filled with an impressive collection of cars and motorcycles.

"Petchay ka, ang gaganda, tangina" I exclaimed, unable to contain my excitement.

Rachel grinned, clearly pleased with my reaction. "I know, right? This is one of my favorite places in the mansion."

"Ikaw??? Don’t tell me you're driving one of these?" She doesn’t need to tell me, alam ko na agad ang sagot.

As I walked around, admiring the various cars and motorcycles, I couldn’t help but feel a rush of excitement. "Do you think... I mean, would it be okay if I drove one of these?"

Rachel chuckled. "I had a feeling you'd say that. Do you even know how to drive?"

"Of course, I used to drive Dad's car around all the time."

Rachel seemed impressed. "Alright then. But we have to be careful. My parents might not be thrilled if they find out."

We picked out a sleek, black car that looked like it was built for speed. I slid into the driver’s seat, feeling a thrill of excitement as my hands gripped the steering wheel. Rachel climbed into the passenger seat, looking equally excited.

I started the engine, and the car roared to life. "Wear your seatbelt" and then we laughed like crazy.

The powerful sound sent a shiver down my spine. I carefully maneuvered the car out of the garage and onto the long driveway that led away from the mansion.

As I drove, the wind whipping through my hair, I felt a sense of freedom and exhilaration that I hadn’t felt in a long time. Damn, I miss my car.

"Thanks, Rachel" feeling a sense of pride. "Thank you for what?"

"This is amazing. Thank you for letting me do this."

As we headed towards the school, I couldn't help but feel a renewed sense of excitement. We pulled into the school parking lot, and Rachel turned to me with a smile.

"Ready for your first day?" she asked. "As ready as I'll ever be."

Rachel led me to the principal's office. "This is where you'll get registered and assigned to your classes." she explained.

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