Chapter 8 - Engaged

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Chie Pov:

Knock, knock

"It's me, Rachel. Open the door." nu nanaman kailangan mo ma

"It's not locked. Come in."

"We're going to an event later." It's gonna be boring for sure.

"Pwede bang hindi ako sumama?" She just stared at me and smirked.

"Are you sure? Baka you will change your mind if the Grand Gala will be at Zara's family estate." Did she just say Zara? Of course, sasama tayo.

"Who said I won't come? Of course, sasama ako hehe." She just left me daydreaming, but before she left, she said something I didn't even bother to know.

Wait, she didn't say what time.


Rachel went through her wardrobe, pulling out dresses and suits, while I sat on her bed.

"Chie, I have a crazy idea," Rachel said suddenly, turning to face me with a mischievous glint in her eyes.

I raised an eyebrow, kinakabahan sa sasabihin niya. "Ano na namang kalokohan 'to, Rachel?"

She held up a sleek black suit, complete with a tie and dress shoes. "How about we disguise you as a boy for the event? Just for fun and to see if anyone notices."

My eyes widened in surprise. "Bakit naman? What's the point? Hindi rin naman ako nila kilala."

Rachel grinned. "It'll be a fun experiment. Plus, it'll be interesting to see how people react. Trust me, it'll be worth it."

I hesitated for a moment but then agreed. "Okay, fine. Let's do it. Pero kailangan natin gawin 'to ng maayos."

Rachel clapped her hands excitedly. "Perfect! Let's get started."

We spent the next hour transforming me into "Chris." Di ba ang bantot

Rachel styled my hair, making it look shorter and more masculine, and helped me into the suit. I had to admit, looking at myself in the mirror, I could hardly recognize the girl staring back at me. I looked... convincing and handsome.

"There! You look great" Rachel said, stepping back to admire her handiwork.

"No one will suspect a thing." I chuckled nervously.

"I hope so. Let's just hope hindi tayo mabuking."

Rachel patted my shoulder reassuringly. "Relax. We'll pull this off. Just remember to act confident." Akala ko ba puro study tong anak mo la tingna mo mas malala pa sakin 'to.

"Before I forget, you must know their names." Trust the lord nalang siguro.

Bumaba na kami. We saw lolo, and as soon as he saw us, his eyes widened in surprise, and he smiled at us looking so proud.

"Chie?" he called out, a hint of confusion in his voice. I paused for a moment, then continued down the stairs with Rachel by my side. "It's me, Chie" I said, trying to keep my voice steady.

Lolo Emilio's eyes twinkled with amusement as he looked me up and down. "Well, I'll be. You look just like a young gentleman. For a moment there, I thought you were me, biro lang."

"And who's this girl ang ganda naman neto." Maloko rin tong lolo ko pero he knows when Mom is getting grumpy.

"Ganda? Or super ganda?" Lolo just laughed and kissed Mom on her forehead. "Super beautiful, my princess." Korni pero sige moment nyo yan e.

"Una na po kami." Paalam ko.

"Take care, susunod nalang kami."

Mom and I made our way to the car, I couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and nervousness. "Grabe, Rachel, I'm actually pulling this off."

We arrived at the Alforo estate, the grand mansion standing tall and imposing. The event was in full swing, with guests mingling and laughter filling the air. We stepped out of the car, and I took a deep breath and smiled.

Pumasok na kami sa loob, I noticed several heads turning our way. Rachel, always the social butterfly, guided me through the crowd, introducing me as her close relative. To my relief, no one seemed to suspect anything.

A fine man came our way and greeted Rachel. "It's nice to see you here, Rachel. Pupunta ba ang daddy mo?"

"Yes, nauna lang ho kami."

Nakatulala lang ako when Rachel suddenly pinched me, signaling me to say hello.

"Hi, pleasure to meet you, Don?" Fuck it sino ba 'to?

Don Rafael.

"The pleasure is mine" he replied, shaking my hand firmly.

Don Rafael turned to Rachel, his expression approving. "You've brought a fine young man tonight, Rachel. I'm glad to see you surrounded by such good company."

Mom just smiled, her eyes twinkling with a secret only we knew. "Thank you, Don Rafael."

A couple of hours passed, and I saw Don Rafael talking to my lolo. Sino ba 'to they looked so close ah.

"Chel, sino ba 'yung Don Rafaelo na 'yan?"

"I told you kasi na kilalanin mo, he's Zara's father, you imbecile." Wow ha nagtatanong lang and how I'm supposed to know. Paalis na tayo nun.

The music stopped, and the room fell silent as Don Rafael took the stage.

Aalis na ako pero i bump AGAIN to Zara causing her to stumble backward. Before I could apologize, I noticed a large stain spreading across the front of her elegant dress.

"Hala, pasensya na!" I exclaimed, feeling scared I watched the fabric darken with the spilled drink.

Zara's eyes widened in dismay as she surveyed the damage, her expression shifting from surprise to frustration.

"Great, just great" she muttered under her breath, clearly distressed by the state of her ruined outfit.

Without a second thought, kinuha ko ang napkin sa glid and began dabbing at the stain, hoping to minimize the damage. "Here, let me help," I offered, my focus entirely on remedying the situation.

Pero bago ko pa siya mapunasan, Zara slapped my hand away with unexpected force. "Stop it!" she snapped, her voice laced with anger.

I fucked up!! Bakit siya pa!

Zara's expression was cold, her eyes flashing with disdain as she looked me up and down. "Fuck off pervert" she scoffed, her tone dripping with contempt.

I opened my mouth to respond, to explain that it was just a misunderstanding, but Zara had already turned away.

Bumalik nalang ako kung nasan si Rachel and I explained everything happened between me and Zara.

Don Rafael took the stage, the room fell silent, all eyes turning to him in anticipation. My heart raced with nervous energy, unsure of what he was about to announce.

"Ladies and gentlemen" Don Rafael began, his voice commanding the attention of everyone in the room.

"I have an important announcement to make."

My breath caught in my throat as I waited for his words, my mind racing with possibilities.

As Don Rafael's announcement rang out through the hall, the world seemed to blur around me.

"I am pleased to announce that my daughter, Zara, is officially engaged."


The word echoed in my mind like a thunderclap, sending shockwaves through my entire being. All around me, the room erupted into applause and congratulations, but I remained rooted to the spot, my heart heavy with disappointment.

Bakit ba ako nasasaktan? Happy crush ko lang naman siya, and I know we will never be together kahit anong pilit ko.

Nag paalam na ako sa kanila and made my way home. Sana hindi na ako sumama. I hate this day!

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