Chapter 2-Mended Hearts

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3rd person Pov:

Pa-gabi na when Chie's mother, busy preparing dinner, decided to turn on the TV for some background noise. She glanced at the screen just as the news anchor began speaking.

"Good evening mga kababayan, this is XYZ News. In today's top stories, a major traffic accident in the city center has caused significant delays, and the weather forecast predicts heavy rain for the weekend."

Chie's mother continued with her cooking, half-listening, when the anchor's tone suddenly changed.

"We interrupt this broadcast for breaking news. XYZ Breaking News: Flight 205 to New York has made an emergency landing after experiencing severe technical difficulties. There are no confirmed casualties, but many passengers are being treated for injuries. Rescue efforts are ongoing. However, 10 bodies are still not found."

Chie's mother froze, a chill running down her spine. "Oh God, Chie is on that flight," she whispered to herself, feeling her knees go weak. She held onto the counter for support, her heart pounding.

Moments later, the phone rang, jolting her out of her daze. With trembling hands, she answered, "Hello?"

A voice on the other hand spoke, "Ma'am, this is from the airline. We're calling about flight 205 to New York."

Her voice shook as she replied, "Yes, what about the flight? My daughter is on that plane."

The voice continued "Ma'am, we're very sorry to inform you that the flight has experienced an emergency. Rescue operations are underway. We will keep you updated with any new information."

Her legs felt weak, and she clung to the counter for support. "Oh God, please no. Not my baby"

Meanwhile, Ash and the rest of the group were at their favorite hangout spot when Raya's phone buzzed. She glanced at the message and her face turned pale.

"Oh bakit ka namumutla riyan, para ka namang nakakita ng multo" Ash said, while laughing, but Raya was not in the mood for joking.

"Guys, turn on the news. Now! This is not the time for your silly jokes, Ash" Raya's voice trembled as she spoke.

They gathered around the TV. The news anchor's voice filled the room:

"XYZ Breaking News: Flight 205 to New York has made an emergency landing after experiencing severe technical difficulties. There are no confirmed casualties, but many passengers are being treated for injuries. Rescue efforts are ongoing. However, 10 bodies are still not found."

Tears build up in their eyes.

"That's Chie's flight" Ash whispered, everyone in the room completely shattered.

They quickly called Chie's mother, who could barely speak through her sobs. "I just got the call... they're still searching" she managed to say.

They exchanged looks of fear.

"We need to be there for her family" one of them said. "And for Chie."

They rushed to Chie's home, where they found her mother in tears, hugging a photo of Chie. They gathered around her, offering the little comfort they could. As the night wore on, they clung to hope, praying for Chie's safety.

The following morning, a knock on the door woke everyone up. Ash opened it to find an airline representative. "I'm here with an update on flight 205."

Chie's mother and friends held their breath as he spoke. "The rescue team has found most of the passengers, but... 10 bodies are still not found. We are doing everything we can to locate them."

Chie's mother broke down in tears, her friends quickly surrounding her, providing whatever support they could. "We'll find her," Ash whispered, her voice breaking. "We won't give up, tita."

It had been over a week since the horrifying news about flight 205, and the atmosphere in Chie's home was unbearably tense. Her mother, exhausted and worried, sat at the kitchen table, staring at her phone, willing it to ring with good news. Suddenly, the front door opened, and Chie's father walked in, his face grim and lined with worry.

"Anong ginagawa mo dito?" Chie's mother asked coldly, looking up with red, puffy eyes. They had been divorced for years, and seeing him now only added to her stress.

"I came as soon as I heard" he replied, trying to keep his voice steady. "We need to talk about what’s happening with Chie."

"We don’t need to talk about anything" she snapped back. "You're not part of this family anymore. You lost that right when you walked out on us. Ang kapal din ng mukha mo!"

"Don’t you dare bring that up now!" he shout back, anger flashing in his eyes. "This is about Chie. We need to focus on finding her and bringing her home safely."

"Focus? You think I'm not focusing?" she yelled, standing up from the table. "Araw araw akong tumatawag sa airline. I've barely slept. What have you done?"

"I’ve been talking to my contacts, trying to get more information. I’ve been doing everything I can from my side" he responded, his voice rising.

"Everything you can?" she echoed bitterly. "If you had done everything you could as a father, we wouldn’t be in this mess!"

He took a step closer, frustration boiling over. "Don't put this on me! This is about Chie, not us. We need to put aside our differences and work together."

She glared at him, tears of anger and fear streaming down her face. "You don't get to come in here and act like the hero. You weren’t there when we needed you before, and you’re not needed now."

Her ex-husband's face softened, his anger melting into sorrow. "I know I wasn't there before, and I regret it every day. But Chie needs us now, both of us. We can’t let our past ruin her future."

She broke down, collapsing back into her chair, her sobs uncontrollable. "I'm just so scared" she cried. "What if we never see our daughter again?"

He walked over to her, hesitating for a moment before hugging her. "Natatakot din ako" he admitted quietly. "But we have to believe she'll come back. We have to stay strong for her."

They stayed like that for a moment, their shared fear and hope bringing them together despite the years of distance and pain. For now, their past problems were less important than their love for Chie and their desperate hope that she would come back safely.

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