Chapter 10 - Show off

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Chie Pov:

Today is our examination day, kaya ang tanging maririnig lang ay tunog ng mga ballpen scratching against paper.

Everyone is focused on their business test. Hindi naman gaano kahirap ang mga tanong dahil napag-aralan ko na ang lahat ng ito. My mind moved swiftly from one question to the next, answering with confidence. Before I knew it, I was the first one finished.

I glanced around, noticing the intense concentration on my classmates' faces. I quietly stood up, handed my paper to Dr. Alvarez, and slipped out of the room.

Halos walang tao ngayon dito sa hallway, a rare and peaceful moment on our busy campus. Nagdesisyon akong mag-walk and explore the grounds.

I heard the familiar sounds of a volleyball. "Tangina, may nagvo-volleyball."

The thud of the ball, the shouts of players. My heart skipped a beat, excitement bubbling up inside me. I followed the noise to the outdoor courts, where a group of students were engaged in an intense match.

One of the players noticed my interest and called out, "Hey, gusto mo bang sumali?"

I nodded eagerly. "Sure, I'd love to."

She tossed me a ball. "Let's see what you've got."

As I prepared to serve, another girl gave me a skeptical look. "Are you sure you know how to play? This isn't just a casual game, you know." I smirked. Don't you dare challenge a former captain, girl.

Annoyed by her rudeness, I took a deep breath, determined to prove myself. Tossing the ball into the air, I jumped and spiked it over the net with a satisfying thud. The players' eyes widened in surprise.

"Na outplayed si Jenna"
"She's hot!!!"
"Sana sumali siya sa team"

Mga naririnig ko mula sa mga istudyanteng nanonood.

"Whoa, nice spike!" the girl exclaimed. "Where did you learn to play like that?"

"I used to play a lot back home." I said, trying to downplay my experience as a team captain in my timeline.

"I'm Mia, by the way," she said, offering her hand.


The skeptical girl crossed her arms. "Let's see how you handle a real game then."

As the game started, I quickly fell into the rhythm, making impressive saves and powerful spikes. The game was intense, and I felt the familiar rush of adrenaline. The other players started to respect my skills, and I could feel myself slipping back into the role of a leader.

I noticed Zara walking by, chatting with her friends. She was headed in our direction, seemingly unaware of the ball flying towards her. My instincts kicked in. I sprinted towards the net, jumped high, and spiked the ball away from her path, just in time.

Zara turned, her eyes locked with mine. "Thanks" she said.

"Anytime" I replied with a grin, trying to hide the smile on my face.

"You're really good. Ever thought about joining the team here?" Mia clapped me on the back.

I laughed, the idea tempting. "Maybe I will. Thanks for letting me play."

"Hi, I'm Jenna. Sorry kung medyo rude ako kanina. You should definitely consider joining."

Bumalik na ako sa room. Couldn't wipe the smile off my face.


Hindi ko na naabutan sila Rachel and Theresa. Baka nasa cafeteria.

After a couple of minutes, I saw them waving their hands. No, it's just Theresa lang pala. Nonchalant era ba ito ni Mama?

"Huy, tangina mo, Theresa. Dahan-dahan sa pagkain para kang ginutom ng sampung taon." Rachel gave a warning look saying 'watch my word.'

"Grabe ka ha, nagutom lang dahil sa exam" sabay tawa naming dalawa.

"Nabalitaan ko naglaro ka raw kanina, ah. Volleyball, huh?" How did she know? Marites na to.

Theresa leaned in. "Saan ka natutong maglaro ng ganun? They said you were really good!" dagdag pa niya.

Mom looked up from her book, intrigued by the conversation. "Really, Chie? Sayang, we didn't see you play."

Umiling nalang ako sa pinagsasabi nila.

Theresa laughed, giving me a playful nudge. "Well, it seems like it is now. Mia and the others were talking about how you spiked the ball like a pro. And you even saved Zara from getting hit!"

Rachel's eyes widened. "You saved Zara? Wow, you really are something, Chie."

I felt my cheeks getting red under their praise. "It was just instinct. Nakita ko kasing papunta sa kanya ang bola."

Theresa smirked, a knowing look in her eyes. "Instinct, huh? Or maybe something else?" I rolled my eyes, dahil mang aasar nanaman to

"Engaged na yung tao, Theresa. Tigilan mo na ako."

Rachel chuckled, closing her book. "Well, whatever the reason, I'm glad you were there. It sounds like you made quite an impression."

"Ano, sasali ka ba sa team nila?"

"Well, maybe" I'm still considering it though.

As we continued our conversation in the cafeteria, Theresa suddenly lowered her voice, her expression turning serious.

"Chie" she began, leaning closer to ensure only Rachel and I could hear, "narinig ko pinag-uusapan ka ng kaibigan nila Jenna kanina."

I raised an eyebrow, feeling a knot of concern form in my stomach. "What were they saying?"

Theresa glanced around, making sure no one was eavesdropping before she continued.

"They were talking about you joining their volleyball game and how impressive your skills were. But there was more. They seemed... upset. One of them even mentioned that they don't trust you."

Rachel looked worried. "Why would they say that? Sumali lang naman si Chie for fun."

Theresa sighed, her expression softening with concern. "I'm not sure, but you should be careful, Chie. Hindi sila mapagkakatiwalaan. Jenna and her friends can be pretty ruthless, especially when they feel threatened."

I frowned, feeling a mix of frustration and unease. "I just wanted to play volleyball. I didn't mean to cause any trouble. Ano bang problema nila?"

Rachel reached out and squeezed my hand. "We know that, Chie. But sometimes, people can be jealous or threatened by someone new, especially if they're good at something."

I gave them both a grateful smile, appreciating their concern. "Maraming arigato. I'll be careful. I just want to enjoy my time here without any drama."

"Wag mo na pansinin yang circle of friends ni Jenna. Mga janitor fish yan. Takot malamang hindi naman sila magagling."Ganyan dapat Mother theresa kaya love love kita e

The bell rang, signaling the end of our break. We gathered our things and headed to our next class.

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