Chapter 7 - Past and Present

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Chie Pov:

Habang nag-uusap kami ni Theresa, I couldn't help but notice Rachel's unusual silence. Baka feel niya na le-left out siya.

"Rachel, okay ka lang ba?" I asked, concern evident in my voice.

Rachel looked up, her expression distant as if she had been lost in a world of her own. "Oo, okay lang ako" she replied softly, though her eyes betrayed a hint of unease.

Theresa shot me a puzzled glance before turning her attention back to Rachel. "Teka, bakit parang ang tahimik mo ngayon? May iniisip ka ba?" she inquired, her brow furrowing with concern.

Rachel hesitated for a moment before finally speaking up. "Wala naman, Theresa. Nag-rereview lang for upcoming test."

Before Theresa could press further, the cafeteria suddenly fell silent, the lively chatter and laughter fading into an eerie hush. Theresa and I exchanged puzzled glances, our eyes scanning the room for any sign of what had caused the sudden change.

And then we saw her. Zara, making her way towards our table with a graceful stride. As she drew closer, the silence seemed to deepen, as if the entire cafeteria had fallen under her spell.

"Wow, tumahimik bigla, no?" Theresa remarked, her voice barely above a whisper.

I nodded in agreement, my gaze fixed on Zara as she approached us. There was something undeniably magnetic about her presence, something that commanded attention and left everyone in awe.

"Pwede ba akong maki-upo?" Yes, baby, you can. Sit ka sa lap ko.

"Hoy, Chie, para ka nanamang asong ngisi-ngisi diyan" panira ng moment.

"Have a seat, Zara."

"Are you Rachel's twin?"

"Twins? Oh, no, we're not twins. We're actually not even sisters." I said while drinking my coffee.

She was surprised. "Really? Wow, you two just look so much alike."

After saying that, she leaned closer and held my face. "But if you look closely, ang laki rin ng difference niyo." Mamaa, bading na bading na ako.

"Zara, your dad's outside the campus!" one of her friends is shouting.

She murmured something before leaving.

"Bye, guys, nice meeting you again!" I guess uuwi na rin kami.

"Rachel, let's go home? Ikaw rin, Theresa, umuwi ka na." We bid our goodbyes.

Kanina ko pa napapansin tong katabi ko na tahimik. What's her problem? As we settled into the car, hindi na ako nakapagtiis at nagtanong.

"Rachel, is everything okay?" I finally spoke up, breaking the silence between us.

Rachel turned to me, her expression softening at my question. "Yeah, Chie, I'm fine" she replied, offering me a reassuring smile. "Just a bit tired, that's all."

"Are you sure?" I pressed gently, wanting to assure myself that she was truly okay.

Rachel sighed, her shoulders sagging slightly. "It's just been a long day, Chie" she admitted, her voice tinged with exhaustion. "But I'll be okay."

I reached out and placed a comforting hand on her arm, offering her a reassuring smile. "Well, if you ever need to talk about anything, I'm here for you" I said sincerely. Rachel nodded, her eyes meeting mine with gratitude. "Thanks, Chie. I appreciate that."

We pulled into the driveway. Rachel and I exchanged tired smiles as we stepped out of the car, feeling the weight of the day's events lifting off our shoulders.

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