Chapter 19 - Christmas

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Chie Pov:

It was the start of Christmas break, and Zara was spending a few days at my house because her parents had gone out of town. Kasama rin sina Lolo at Madam Imelda, kaya tahimik ang bahay ngayon. The house felt unusually quiet without their usual hustle and bustle.

We were busy decorating the Christmas tree, carefully hanging ornaments and wrapping lights around the branches. The living room was filled with the scent of pine and the soft glow of fairy lights.

As Zara reached up to place an ornament, I found myself just watching her. Her focused expression, the way her hair fell over her face, and the joy in her eyes made my heart skip a beat. She’s beautiful, and I couldn’t look away.

"Chie, okay ka lang?" she asked, catching me off guard.

"H-ha? Oo naman," I stammered, quickly turning my attention back to the tree.

She smiled, a playful glint in her eye. "Matutunaw ako nyan sa tingin mo."

I felt my cheeks flush. "Assuming mo naman," I said, trying to play it cool.

Zara just laughed, a sound that was both light and musical. "But really, why were you staring?"

I took a deep breath, deciding to be honest. "I was just… admiring you. Ang ganda mo kasi."

She paused, her expression softening. "T-thank you."

I kept on decorating, but I couldn’t help but steal glances at Zara. I was so lost in thought that I didn’t notice she had moved closer, until I felt her presence right in front of me. I looked up, startled to find her face inches from mine.

"Chie," she whispered, her eyes locking onto mine with an intensity that made my heart race.

Before I could react, Zara leaned in, her lips almost brushing against mine. My breath hitched, and the world seemed to stand still. But just as our lips were about to meet, a sudden knock on the door broke the moment. We both jumped back, our hearts pounding in our chests.


Agad akong tumayo at nagpunta sa pinto. Nang buksan ko, wala namang tao.

"There’s no one here," sabi ko, lumilinga-linga sa paligid.

Zara approached and peeked outside. "Baka naman prank lang yan ng mga bata sa kabilang bahay," she suggested.

I rolled my eyes. "Impossible. This mansion is too big for someone to pull a prank like that without getting caught."

Her expression turned serious, a hint of annoyance in her eyes. "Do that again, and I’ll take those eyes out."

P-parang ang laki ng kasalanan ko T^T.

Agad ko siyang nilapitan at niyakap. "Sorry na," I murmured, burying my face in her shoulder. "I didn’t mean to make you mad."

She sighed, her arms wrapping around me tightly.

"Just don’t do it again," she whispered, her voice softening.

We stood there for a moment, holding each other, the world outside fading away. The warmth of her embrace made me feel safe, and for a brief moment, all the confusion and tension melted away. I leaned in closer, my nose brushing against her neck. I couldn’t resist the urge and took a deep breath, inhaling her scent.

"You smell good," I murmured, my voice barely a whisper against her skin.

Zara shivered slightly, and I heard her let out a soft moan. "Chie, what are you doing?"

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