Faith is believing that I will accomplish it; Even douh I have to wait for opportunities. And If I don't see them: I have to trust that Jesus has a purpose ALWAYS behind of it; And to be patience reminding me; That He created myself.
— Reyo / Reynald Ramirez.
God *Jesuschrist* will never PUT you a TEST that YOU would not be able to solve with HIS help.
— Learned by ME trough HIM.
— Adonai: Morning Reyo. I command here today. Feeling segure?
— Reyo: I should make my routine I guess.
— Adonai: Go ahead; 1 hour left, so, you have 35 minutes.
— Reyo: Understood.
Time to pray:
Today I'll make as Arnaldo Cruz:
A list....
1. Daibelis (My super girl friend)2. Elizabeth x2 (Mother of my little sister Lesly)3. Estefani (A woman with a brave heart)4. Ester (A girl who sometimes gets lost)5. Fanny (An old friend from my childhood, also a worker in Aldereca)6. Gabriela (I know almost 3 or more Gabrielas', good friend almost always)7. Hipolita (A very, very humble old woman)8. Jennifer E. (A woman who needs wisdom, but she has deep love for everyone)
— Adonai: I listen. Pray please.
— Adonai: Well done Reyo.
— Jesuschrist: Let's go with the flexion excercise; I HAVE always BE; I Am who I Am, don't let them point at you because of your past.
— Reyo: Ok. I asked what I thought that was best for them
— Jesuschrist: Continue...
— Reyo: IS a good reason to leave someone because of bad smell coming from the mouth ONE or TWO days from MAAANY days?
— Jesuschrist: Not at all; But, why would you ask me that? I am intesterested in knowing it.
— Reyo: My step father planted in my way of being that I have to be "CLEEEEAN" and "ORGANIZEEEEED" and "OBEEEEEEEDIENT" at alllllllllll the time. And YOU KNOW what I meant; So let's say I took an airplane, and a girl used to read Ellen White; She smell a day or two bad smell from my mouth and because of that; Started to thinking on leaving me.
— Jesus: That sounded very real.
— Reyo: For me as well.
— Jesuschrist: Continue Reyo; Let's do WHAT WE CAN now.
— Reyo: Ok.
5 a.m finished my routine.
Yes, Arnaldo Cruz I KNOW THAT you know ME; But STOP judging me;Go away Satan again! Because it's written: Don't judge anyone AND you also WONT be judge.
Sorry, but the Holly Spirit will testify also WITH me.
And if you WANT to make a WAR with me; Go ahead, but as I am advicing you HERE; God will make you SEE that I am an Angel HERE.Show me if Jacob had to Fight with THE ANGEL or TO AVOID THE FIGHT.
Bay, while a light switch (the closest to the Kitchen IS OFF).
The intersterlar battle - Jesus, Reyo's Unknows army vs Apolion's army
SpiritualWhen Reyo finishes his job as a king 7 years after was chosen another king on the earth. Reyo; Was not in the same level as him, so the city, the town, the country was suffering because of the gula, abominations and permissive way of being of that k...