And again I say to you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God."
— Jesus' history in the Holy Scriptures.
— Reyo: Why was Theo Peter James thempting me?.
— Jesus: He knew that you fired him. He is the one with an smile always in his face; But we know him.
— Reyo: Yes, he is the body kidnapper. May I face him ME MYSELF? my "best friend" thought that he was "iron man"... the poor friend of mine was afraid of him.
— Jesus: If you feel with the security and faith; You know that he has more than many devils.
— Reyo: Yes, I do know that... Ammm... Just for not to thempting God Father; Do you want to face him?.
— Jesus: Say the proves and for me IT WILL BE EASY.
— Reyo: Ok .... First of all, he supplanted the serie The Mentalist and in the commentaries say that he was the main written of many chapters. He paints himself as a "guess" man or "magician" or "mind reading" person; But at the end, every behind the scenes is made by the devil:
So he is a lier, practicioner of adivination; And it is written: Jehovah abominates the adivination practicioners (Deuteronomio 18:10),
— Jesus: Second prove...
— Reyo: They supplanted the voice of a female in a serie of you; It was a work made by him. He "paints" himself WHEN ACTUALLY HE CAN'T like a person that reads who is everyone, and knows theirs heart.
But it is written:
Only God Father, and the Son knows the hearts of the man (1 Corinthians 2:11).— Jesus: Third prove.
— Reyo: Paul is working together with him; He sostains that he also can read the heart of the people, but it is for them to gain power; That's why he was at my church with flu; Sat down next to me, but was not even able to see me very easily.
— Jesus: FOURTH PROVE all of them has hit on the target.
— Reyo: Yes, I have even more, in the book of proverbs says that the end of everything is better than the beginning.
In the movie; Divergent, he paints himself again like if he knew the girl.
He said:
I am "SURE" of who you are.
But it was completely arranged to attack me. And the movie ended up in there.
— Jesus breaths and cry with angry: — Give me the last ultimate prove that you and me know that is actually the one that is making me angry.
— Reyo: He let the devil used him SO MUCH that he did not realise that Judah took his body; And talked trough him and made himself to pass himself like if he was Peter, when he was not.
— Jesus of Nazareth: AND YOU SAW THAT in MY MOVIE, RIGHT???
— Reyo: Yes SIR, and God (while giving a smile of: You know that he likes to make himself the idiot).
— Jesus of Nazareth: Perfect; we won't make any of his shows. He thinks that when I announce his death I am telling him a good thing.
Since the beginning, didn't I say clearly that to die is bad?.
— Reyo: Yes, that is something that I was wondering, it is contradictory.
— Jesus of Nazareth: Therefore the rock that the builders refused; is going to become the main one.
Leave him to me.
His hope is in riches, There is 7 times 7 that I have forgiven him. You know that I could forgive him more; But what he had, is being lost.
— Reyo: Because the one that put in practice your works remains in you; Because without you, we can't do ANYTHING.
— Jesus: Ok .... (Jesus doesn't have much desire to talk at this moment)
— Reyo: Bay.
— Jesus: Bay; Remember, anyone who wants to glory, seek the glory on knowing me and in understanding me.— Reyo: Ok, ADONAI.
— Jesus: Perfect, bay, enjoy your MORNING.
— Reyo: Thanks.
The intersterlar battle - Jesus, Reyo's Unknows army vs Apolion's army
SpiritualWhen Reyo finishes his job as a king 7 years after was chosen another king on the earth. Reyo; Was not in the same level as him, so the city, the town, the country was suffering because of the gula, abominations and permissive way of being of that k...