The salt of the earth

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Good is the salt, but if it vanishes, how is it going to be re-fined again? We must have salt in us, and peace between each one of us.

Mark 9:50


To be in peace with one and others.

What is education to you?
What is coherence to you?

I wish that education would be to treat others like you would like others to treat you.

I wish that coherence was not being hipocrative to any person, and to never say lies.

If you do any of these things; The saviour in you, the love in you become darkeneth; Even douh sometimes some people might be able to see trough the darkness.

To be honest, I love eyes that says outloud:
I just need meek, love, understanding.

I love eyes from whom that says: I don't like fights.

I love the iris of the eye of someone that when you look at her / he SAYS:
I just want peace forever; Not with addiction, not with fights; But with love, with prudency, helping one to another.

That is for me:
To have salt inside of me.

IT'S not Litium; It's not a "nice food"; None of that; It is to be the person that when you see in the mirror you would say:
I am proud because Jesus created me, and even douh I am not perfect yet; I am on my way to be it...

Be perfect, as our Father in Heaven is perfect -- Said Jesus.


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