Verily, verily I tell you; In the Kingdom of Heaven I will take this cup again;
With my father.— The Holy Scriptures of Jesus Christ.
Now in the twelfth month, which is the month of Adar, on the thirteenth day of the same, when the king's command and edict were about to be carried out, on the very day when the enemies of the Jews hoped to gain the mastery over them, the reverse occurred: the Jews gained mastery over those who hated them.
— The book of Esther, chapter 9 in the Holy Scriptures.
— Tamina: What are you doing?.
— Reyo: What is the matter?.
— Tamina: Is late.— Reyo: My brothers are watching cartoons; at their age, I used to be the supervisor of a kingdom.
— Tamina: And ... what does it suppose to mean?.
— Reyo: Are you my wife or are you hoping to be the wife of a "king"?.— Tamina: That was not what I asked.
— Reyo: But it was what I asked; I have a job to do .... It is written; He who saves understanding, guards his life. But the fool, despites it.
— Tamina: Well, do what you want. I am sleepy, but I feel like if it is important what you are going to do.
— Reyo: To be honest I am a little angry with you. I saw you almost 3 times doing the same.
— Tamina: Doing what?.
— Reyo: Prettending to rob the clothes of a Joseph .... I mean, I just want you to let things go as Jesus would like to... Just like when we play basketball, just let it go naturally my love; You can do it.— Tamina: But when I did what you say?.
— Reyo: To be honest it was in a moment that maybe you did it as self deffense; So I don't guilt you. But please, don't repeat it. I love you deeply as I could not even contain.— Tamina: Ok, I get it then, it's ok. I undertand.
— Reyo breaths: Thank you ....----
— Reyo: Jesus, we got Naaman.
— Jesus: The brother of your father, right?.
— Reyo: Hehe, he asked me if "a truck" was mine.— Jesus: What do you think he tried to tell to you?.
— Reyo: My girl, hahahah, he think that he will take her out of my mind with such that little and fool argument — while smiling —— Jesus: Mmmm... Was Hector nearby?.
— Reyo: Ujum...— Jesus: What is your suggestion?.
— Reyo: I suggested Hector to send some pictures to your website, and he did; But then, he painted you as a "super star" of basketball.— Jesus: How do you know that those pictures are false ones.
— Reyo: Because you told me about it indirectly.— Jesus of Nazareth: Is not this the "job" of Cesar?.
— Reyo: I guess so.
— Jesus of Nazareth: But you have better eye than Cesar and Pilatos.— Reyo: Because I took serious the job that you got to me. They do it to call the attention of the people.
— Jesus Christ: Perfect. Untill here is enough... He was the one who killed your father, and that actor from that movie; As well as you said that there is someone copying me .... You know that the actor is a bad copy of you.
— Reyo: To be honest, yes .... It is such like that; That even Tamina made something without the intention of doing it, that was like saying:SOS.
— Jesus Christ: Perfect. Sleep well. You know that the charge that you have is higher than Supervisors' one. But you did well, and even she will be grateful.
— Reyo: Do you think so??? She is a little arrogant AA. I mean, YOU know that I could give my life for her, but she sometimes menospreciates me.
The intersterlar battle - Jesus, Reyo's Unknows army vs Apolion's army
ДуховныеWhen Reyo finishes his job as a king 7 years after was chosen another king on the earth. Reyo; Was not in the same level as him, so the city, the town, the country was suffering because of the gula, abominations and permissive way of being of that k...