Starting the morning and facing the devil with Jesus GLORY

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The Son of God will come with his Glory...

— Jesus of Nazareth.


— Knock, knock 

— [Sherlock 'dibolic possesed HOLMES']:

Who is?.

— Reynald: Your neighboor... 

— Sherlock: You should write that.

— Reyo: Oh, no, is written in Heaven, by the way, nice "actor".

— Shelock: Which one?.

— Reyo: "Watson".


Also the Kingdom of Heaven is like a rich man which made a wedding to his son. Everything was prepared; But the owner of the wedding was so focused on his riches that he sent the servants.

The wedding guests said: No.

Because: They didn't know those servants as they knew the owner of the wedding.


Happy new year "Sherlock - Brad - Pitt- Bull "...

In name of Jesus of Nazareth all of you ARE REBUKED with HIS power and NOT mine.


— Phone ringing 

— Reyo: Aha?....

— The Rowdyruffboys ... 

— Reyo: All depends of WHO YOU ARE.


[Here Jesus expulsed demons from a MAN (probably possessed by many donkeys and then Jesus sent then to the "swimes")]


— Reyo:

Guile is saying that I will be his son.

— Jesus:

I am who decide that. Thank you for letting it CLEAR.

— Reyo:

Yes, also, ChunLi, possesed my actual girl, and SHE KICK me, and HIS brother AS well TRIED to hit ME.

— Jesus: But as you train, you didn't EVEN feel ANYTHING but you saw it spiritually. THANK YOU.

That is the fruit of living out of MY Holy Spirit.

— Reyo: 

I see that. By the way... I AM NOT "legion".

— Jesus: We see that.. Thanks.


— Reyo's teacher:

Then who are you?

— Reyo: YOUR STUDENT of Maths... "Ramon Campayo".


Closed in Job 28:4

— A devil: WHY?

— Jesus of Nazareth: YOU don't think as God thinks, GET THY BEHIND me SATAN!

— Antonio Banderas:

The intersterlar battle - Jesus, Reyo's Unknows army vs Apolion's armyWhere stories live. Discover now