Ramses making REQUESTS

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Y muchos falsos profetas se levantarán, y engañarán a muchos; y por haberse multiplicado la maldad, el amor de muchos se enfriará.

Mateo 24:11-12


— Reyo: Today was Ramses here.

— Jesus: And what is the problem Reyo?

— Reyo: He came with a person with the arm cut off; Like trying to say .... The guilty is the God of the Israelies; Because that fight was cut off by him.

— Jesus: And who was talking with Ramses?.

— Reyo: I have always said that one of my little brothers was Aaron. You know who he is, if you want another name; Steve Jobs and him are like twins.

— Jesus: This is not the first time that he appears. Because you don't talk about thinks like that often, I mean specifically of what your brother does.

— Reyo: Exactly. This is like the 3rd time or 4th, or maybe more.... Is super weird that he always comes and I can read his mind and he always has like a complain against you.

— Jesus: So, basically the history of Moses was truth.

— Reyo: He is even my favourite character from the Holy Scriptures. I never doubt about it.... Is even easier to doubt of the cleaneth side of the history of David but no with the history of Moses.

— Jesus: Thank you, now I will pay attention with you to those things. Keep working and thank you again.

— Reyo: To you, please... I don't  know, but I feel like if that Ramses, is a sick paste people person. I mean, a person who make sick the people who follows him.

— Jesus: They had a serpent in their front-side of the head. Would not be a surprise what you say.

— Reyo: Truth. Bay.

— Jesus: Bay, and continue enjoying your movie.

— Reyo: Thanks.


Que las misericordias del SEÑOR jamás terminan, pues nunca fallan sus bondadesThe LORD's loving-kindnesses never fail, for his goodness never fails.

Lamentations 3:22

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